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After the meeting with Yoongi and Hoseok, the three of decided to go talk to Jin. This next job was going to be a long trip than usual since they needed to make a deal. It was going to give them lots of money but it was all the way in Daegu.

It was Yoongi's home so that was why Namjoon had needed to talk to him. And Yoongi was thankful that the two didn't let their curiosity show when he had his hair disheveled and swollen lips. He didn't need to explain what was going on between him and Taehyung.

But, in all honesty, he himself didn't know what was going in between them. He didn't know why he chose to protect Taehyung and he couldn't place the feeling of how his heart was in his throat jus thinking about Taehyung risking his life for him. He couldn't have that so he made sure to protect Tae.

He knew that he never felt these feelings before. He never fell in love before and he was beginning to think that whatever was with him and Taehyung wasn't anything more than infatuation. But just seeing the younger made his heart beat and he was scared. Scared that whatever he was feeling for Taehyung would be at the cost of his own life.

He's in a gang after all and love isn't something that lasts in his eyes. But he was mostly scared about how much he wanted to be in love with Taehyung and how much he wanted the other to be as well.

As they walk down the hallways, following Namjoon, Yoongi's thoughts drift from this. He has to focus on this now but once they walk in everything had happened so fast. Namjoon crouching on the ground, helping Jin to his lap and having tears drop from his eyes. Hoseok's wide eyes that also looked a but sad and he couldn't place why.

But then Namjoon's yells.

"Hoseok! Get something to help me stop the bleeding, please!" Namjoon yells at Hoseok immediately starts working again to find a cloth to wrap around Jin who still groans in pain.

"Get everyone here! We need to find out who did this!" Namjoon yells at Yoongi and the older nods, he sighs to see Jimin and Jeongguk with wide eyes walking in. They both put their bags down to go help Namjoon with Jin.

Yoongi looks around the room and immediately feels something missing. He leaves, trying to find the person he couldn't get his mind off of. He searches almost everywhere but ultimately goes to the assassin's room.

He doesn't spot the younger anywhere until he feels someone turning him around and before he could even register what happened, his back hits the wall striking a pain in his lower back but then there is cold metal against his throat. He finds those eyes that he could never stop looking at, looking at him with a killer's gaze.



"What is going on?" Yoongi asks and Taehyung's eyes almost soften until he hardens then again pushing the knife towards Yoongi's throat again.

"I'm going to kill you. I already stabbed Jin and it won't be long before he dies in Namjoon's arms." Taehyung smirks but Yoongi can tell that he doesn't mean that. That the look in his eyes is no longer those of a killer. Before, yes they definitely were. But now, he looks as though he is in pain.

"You're not going to kill me."

"What the fuck?! Of course, I am!" Taehyung yells and his voice almost breaks.

"You won't, Tae."

Yoongi just stares, he feels blood trickling down his throat when Taehyung glares at him and cuts him a little. But then he sees Taehyung watch the blood and sees the facade he put up disappearing.

"I-I can't..." Taehyung finally lets out a breath and he takes the knife away breathing heavily. It was like an entire weight lifted off his shoulders. He couldn't kill Yoongi, he jus can't. He loves him way too much and he knows that now.

It makes him cry, makes all the tears fall down his face as he drops the knife on the ground. He feels Yoongi pull him closer by the waist and soon he's crying into the older's chest. "It's okay, Tae. I'm here... everything's going to be fine." He hears Yoongi's sweet whispers in his ears.

Feels them fall to the floor as Taehyung couldn't stand anymore, feeling too weak. He couldn't kill the only person in this world that he cared about. He just couldn't do it, otherwise he would never forgive himself.

He feels Yoongi rubbing at his waist and kissing gently on his cheeks and head. He feels so warm and safe. He's never felt like this before in someone's arms. But he's in Yoongi's arms and although he can't keep his mind off of it, his heart almost stops thinking of what would happen now.

He failed to kill Yoongi when he was threatening Tae's mission. Everyone is going to find out and he won't be able to protect her anymore. They're going to kill him and everything will be over. This makes him cry even harder.

How stupid was he. How stupid was he to fall in love for someone who was supposed to be his enemy. Yet, he doesn't regret it. Not when he's in Yoongi's arms now. Not when he feels so safe and warm than he has in years.

"T-thank you."

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