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"i'm trained with knives, not guns." taehyung complained as jungkook helped him to hold the gun. "you have to learn how to use one, hyung." jungkook said. since tae didn't know how to use the gun the right way or hold it the right way, namjoon had assigned jungkook to help him since he's skilled with guns. of course, tae didn't want to do it because of their history and everything, but namjoon was a pretty scary guy.

"now, your hand and hold it. move your fingers so one is on the trigger and the rest is holding the gun towards the target." jungkook instructed. tae looked confused and he ended up putting his fingers under the trigger instead of over it.

"here let me help." the gunman came behind the assassin. he put his hand over tae's to move it to the correct position. "just like that. now, point to the target." jungkook explained and moved tae's body towards the shooting target. he placed his hand on the assassin's waist to help him straighten up.

tae felt the warmth of being hugged by jungkook. his hands were soft over his and he didn't know what to feel. "now, shoot." jungkook spoke in tae's ears cause he was that close. tae did so and a loud bang was heard throughout the room landing on the center of the target.

tae turned around only to be meant with the closeness of the gunman in front of him. the younger with one hand holding his waist and the other holding the gun.

"perfect." jungkook whispered and looked in tae's eyes. "as always." tae sighed and looked to where jungkook's eyes landed.

his lips.

'i knew i shouldn't have agreed to this. why do i have to go through this again?'

before jungkook closed the gap between them, a particularly loud cough caused them to come apart. "good morning to the both of you.." the voice or yoongi greeted. he crossed his arms looking at the two. he didn't like how close they were.

tae put the gun down and jungkook had looked at him. "thanks, kook. for teaching me, i guess." with that, tae had left the room past yoongi. the last two people left in the training room being jungkook and yoongi.

"so, what was that?" yoongi asked tilting his head a little. "nothing, hyung." jungkook spoke and didn't make eye contact as he put back the weapons. "seems to me that you got a little thing for the assassin." yoongi teased.

"i don't!" jungkook yelled surprisingly. this shocked yoongi because never in a million years had the maknae yell at anyone. not even people he hated. "you shouldn't yell at your hyungs." yoongi said trying to stay calm.

"you should stop sticking your nose in other people's business, hyung." he put a little teasing manner into the honorifics. almost like he didn't care if it was disrespectful. "i was just curious.." Yoongi mumbled but jungkook still heard.

"well, guess what? curiosity killed the cat, asshole." jungkook shoved past yoongi on his way out.

'what the fuck happened there?'


a/n ; so, yoonkook are obviously gonna become enemies with the amount of times they've already fought in these chapters. jungkook just called yoongi a cat and i didn't even notice it until i reread it.

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