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(Tuesday, 08/06/2019 2:52 am)


It was far too early in the morning, yet Igor found that sleep refused to visit him. After he'd tossed and turned for much of the night, visions of his friend and himself lost in unbridled bliss chose that night to haunt him to the point of tormenting his already guilt-ridden mind. The images forced themselves on him as he relieved them one by one. Finally, tired of ducking and dodging his and Jedidiah's past along with Cole's future, the weary middle-aged man abandoned his hope of getting any rest.

Why the hell was it so difficult to forget? Why now? The questions yelled from the deep recesses of his mind where all his secrets managed to remain stashed away.

Igor realized something significant. Not only was he a fool, but he was a damned fool. Jedidiah was a fool, and so was his son. No matter how hard they tried to stop the inevitable, they were the living proof that white people and black people could live side-by-side, coexist, marry, and thrive.

For so many years, he fought against that truth as if his fight would make it disappear. He tried to ignore the lie, and so did Jedidiah ignoring their collective guilt in perpetuating such a bigoted lie while haplessly spreading acrid poisonous ideology to young and old white males for nearly forty years. By not accepting the truth when they came to understand that they were wrong, all they managed to do was mess up scores of people's lives, including their own.

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When he met his wife, Igor decided to prove he was a red-blooded white Christian male who would do anything to protect his people and their way of life.

Since he was still angry about being jumped by a pack of wild niggers, anger and determination etched themselves into his soul, making him feel accountable for his mistakes. That bitterness rooted itself in Igor insisting it was his responsibility to make sure not one single white man would ever suffer the way he and his friend suffered. So Jedidiah and Igor came up with the idea of building a robust white community, never allowing any non-whites to move anywhere near their neighborhoods. In addition, they formed a posse charged with running every colored person out of the adjoining areas.

Working with the local business owners, law enforcement, and politicians, Jedidiah and Igor were successful at convincing those in power to back their actions in an attempt to clean up the higher classed neighborhoods in the northern part of Kansas City, Missouri, including the rural areas in a twenty-mile radius.

Igor even went as far as seeking out a white woman to blot out the incident in Detroit. Had she not strongly agreed with his negative views regarding colored people while projecting the image of white purity and the power of the white nuclear family, Igor would have gone insane over the one young woman he'd sworn off of claiming.

After so many years of living the image of the perfect American white family, Igor felt distant and indifferent concerning his spouse.

By the time Igor Berg finally walked down the aisle with Kara Doyle, she was already seven months pregnant. After their first son was born, they had twin daughters two years later. Then, five years after their first child was born, they had one more son. The couple raised their children together as Igor navigated through his military career.

Because their relationship was never one of love but necessity, over time, it deteriorated to nothing more than a few words and a casual glance every once in a while.

His wife hadn't shared an intimate relationship with him in years after professing a full awareness of his infidelities. Because they lived a life that followed the pattern set by their forefathers, most people they knew looked down on divorce. Women who got a divorce was considered morally loose and were often ostracized.

The Dividing Line: ABSOLUTION #COMPLETED (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now