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(Wednesday, 08/07/2019 2:43 am)

"Baby, why are you out of bed?" Cole looked up and caught a glimpse of Angel standing by the window--When he managed to get her turned around, the shock of what he saw made him quickly take a few steps back from what or whomever it was that he was speaking to--"What the hell are you?"--"Baby, it's time for me to go. I tried to hold on as long as possible, but I can't stay any longer."

"Please don't do this to me."

"...time of death, 2:52 am."

No... no... no.

His eyes shot open as he realized as he jumped up his bare feet, hitting the cold porcelain tiled floor. Every muscle twisted in him as he rushed to grab her before the apparition disappeared again. The big man stumbled, dropped, and rolled as he scrambled on his knees to reach her. He wasn't aware of the tears coursing down his cheeks. The only thing in his mind was Angel.

But it wasn't meant to be. No matter how hard Cole tried to make things right, he came up short. Even when he fought desperately to avenge their son's death, the police monitored his movements so heavily. It was as if they cut off his balls, making him impotent. His manhood was stripped from him because he was too weak and stupid to protect his family.

Crashing hard on the floor, he felt nothing but the need to be successful in his quest. He sprung up from the floor to find that no one had been there all along. It was simply a bad dream. What he'd envisioned standing by the bed was nothing more than a shadow cast by one of the trees she had positioned next to the window.

"What the fuck was that?" Cole screamed out in distress, trying to understand why so much hell was being unleashed on him.

Since the day Angel kicked him out of her hospital room, he had the same nightmare every night. He woke up more terrified than the night before, believing she was dead. He did as he had every night since she put him out of her room. Cole grabbed his cellphone, determined to get someone on the phone. Every bit of the madness had gone on long enough to the point that he was starting to lose his mind.

The phone rang and rang, but there was nothing.

Every night when he called, it seemed as if she ignored his call sending him straight to voicemail. So much anguish and stress compounded on him because he hadn't slept properly since the last time, they held one another while lying in their bed together.

Cole leaned against the wall, wrecked by the continued torture of being away from her. Though he refused to show his true feelings in the presence of others, he admitted to himself that he had not such so terribly since his mother passed away. In those moments when he was alone, he realized his life was meaningless without his Angel. She was, after all, the one person who saved him from himself.

Angel's love had changed him in such a way that he wasn't exactly sure of how to exist without her.

Without the toxic energy of the violence and anger he had wrapped around his heart so long ago; Cole was stripped naked emotionally. He forced himself to review the circumstances under a microscope, and he hated what he saw. In all honesty, he was in a state of constant wonder that she could find any redeeming qualities in him at all. Yet, the hope she had for him gave him the strength to transform himself into another person.

Others would always wonder why and how, but the truth was far more complex than anyone would ever fully understand because Cole would have killed her if the shoe was on the other foot. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the man he used to be would have taken her life for something as simple as the color of her skin.

The Dividing Line: ABSOLUTION #COMPLETED (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now