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Wednesday, 04/24/2019 4:14 pm

Igor rushed Bruce and continued punching him until he got tired of swinging. Blood splattered on the desk, the chair, and the walls as Igor swung with everything he had. Then, finally, the one memory he fought for years to forget rushed back thanks to this stupid little fucker, and the video he decided was a good idea to show a bunch of horny crazy bastards.

     At six-foot-three, two hundred and eighty-eight pounds, Igor was frightening when he stood by idle with a smile on his face. For a man who was pushing sixty, he was in better shape than most professional athletes. However, it was just his physical strength that frightened many people. To see him rush at you with the look of a demon in his eyes, well that meant one thing and one thing only, that person was about to get their ass handed to them.

     Most people knew Igor Berg to be a brutal but fair person. He was a leader unlike any the other Brotherhood leaders had ever seen.

     The man maintained a regimen of strict discipline for himself and his members designed to train and direct them along the right path. Four hundred men followed his command without question or dissent. They worked to create a kind of eutopia in a world coming apart at the seams. Because of his service in the US military, he was able to develop the men into elite soldiers. Igor was determined to be prepared should a time ever come when he and his men would be required to fight. Every morning, they were up bright and early for PT or physical training. There were no days off. Securing the perimeter required guards to be scheduled to monitor the sprawling three hundred acre compound at all times.    

     Each male was required to be married by their twenty-first birthday. Young adults still too young to marry were required to be escorted at all times. They met in common areas under the watchful eyes of a group of senior women who closely monitored their actions. Strict discipline utilized at the compund prevented alcohol and drug abuse, fornication, and unwanted pregnancies. Any family found not following the rules to the letter were escorted to the fifteen foot tall gate, stripped of anything tying them to the Berg Compund, and asked to leave. Because of the job and income security people found at the compund, very little encouragement helped the members to see the importance of living in a closely monitored environment.

     His compound built and crafted many goods to sell to outsiders that were one hundred percent legal. As a result, Igor built up his groups' wealth exponentially. With decent jobs and generous pay, there was zero crime and zero illegal activity. 

     Homes zoned on one hundred of the three hundred acre compound established a tight community. The church was an essential part of the structure of their lives, therefore, no one was allowed to miss service. Those on watch in the morning attended an evening service, which was mandatory.

     All mechanic work came from one shop. Metal fabrication came from another shop. Ammunition, guns, as well as other forms of weaponry were manufactured onsight. The feed store faced the grocery store to allow those who grew gardens and raised livestock to trade their wares for the products they didn't grow or create. An adjoining three hundred acre plot provided men with an option for hunting and fishing. The only step required to take advantage of the bounty from the land was a permit to track who was hunting, when, and what they killed.

     Other charters viewed the Berg Compound as far too extreme, but no one wanted to be the object of their ire.

     Only one resource came from outsiders, gasoline.

     Igor's ability to recruit highly trained individuals meant that the compound's need for an alternate source of fuel would soon come to an end.

     He figured the key to success was to totally and completely separate themselves from the outside world.

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