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May 05, 2025


"CJ. CJ. CJjjjjjjjjjjj? Where in the world are you, little turkey butt?"

"Why are you hollering like a madwoman?"

"Baby... when did you get back?"

"I've been here about ten minutes. I brought all the stuff you asked for and dropped those bags on the porch just as I saw CJ sprinting across the yard, high tailing it to the barn."

"I was hollering because that son of yours is in so much trouble, right now."

"What did he do this time?"

"I told your child to leave alone the two freshly baked batches of cookies, I'd left on the cooling rack. All he had to do was just wait a few more minutes for you to get here and I would have given him the two I promised him."


"I walked in the other room to check on Angie and by the time I came back, that little joker had disappeared with two dozen cookies."

"Don't worry about it, babe. I'll talk to him." He walked away with a ridiculous grin on his face.

"You better get him before I get my hands on him."

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"Yes, sir."

"Come out of there, right now"

The white barn door slid open about three feet as a curly-haired little blond eased his way around it. His head was pointed down in contrition, signaling he was already aware of his fate.

His parents stood side by side as Cole's hand rested on his wife's hip with a chunky little eight-month-old baby girl straddling the hip on the opposite side. The boy lifted his head taking in his little sister who happened to be a carbon copy of himself with her own ringlet blonde curls and a chubby little face. 

Mom and dad towered over him as a united front. They worked together as a team most of the time. The moment when they stood before him together gave him no hope of escaping his face. Cole's tiny twin resolved himself to the predicament that he had found himself in.

Had he met daddy outside all alone, he might have been able to convince his best friend to let him go. When he looked up and his mom had her arms folded across her chest with daddy by her side, his day of mayhem came to an end quicker than ever. And the outcome of course was him banished to his room for all eternity for little boys, which turned out to be a couple of weeks in real-time.

"Where are they?" The giant asked.

"What?" The four-year-old twisted his hands and raised his hands up beside his head as if he had no idea in the world what his dad was talking about.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time and you're gonna be in a lot of trouble if you don't answer me truthfully."

"But I don't know where they are."

Cole turned his head away from his son to stare at his wife. She locked eyes with him giving him the hard stare with the crumpled-up frown above her eyes warning him not to laugh at their mischievous little boy.

As hard as it was to keep himself together, Cole refused to get himself pulled in his son's mess by showing how tickled he was at his son's feeble attempt to lie. He adored his little twin, but he often found himself in trouble for encouraging the youngster's bad behavior.

The Dividing Line: ABSOLUTION #COMPLETED (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now