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Waiting on law enforcement to handle matters had lost its appeal long ago since they could or wouldn't stop the people who were the source of her torment. The whole situation began to rub Angel the wrong way, prompting her to call in a few favors.

Those calls led her to him, the man in charge of it all.

He wasn't eager to help, but she made him an offer he could not refuse. In doing so, she was able to pluck anyone from any place to settle the many scores her enemies had racked up with her.

Angel was no longer the sweet individual who had once been more concerned with the welfare of others. At present, pain and suffering crafted something diabolical and unyielding in her.

Once and for all, she was forced to show people that they were messing around with the wrong person.

She was officially done with it.

All of it.

Walking into the warehouse where Chief, Berg, and her tormentor had gathered shocked everyone into silence. There wasn't one single person of color in that building. For her to stroll into a Brotherhood meeting place spoke of one thing to the white men who were everywhere.


Either she was very powerful or completely insane.

Before anyone could intercede in her actions, Angel moved purposely with the fingers from her left hand tightly intertwined with the fingers on her right. Clenching her hands together into a balled-up double fist, Angel swung her arms launching her fists in an upward motion as if using a bat to hit an out-of-the-park home run. She watched delighted to see his head snap up and his body fall back into the chair. The momentum of the assault forcefully compelled his entire body to follow in that same direction, causing the chair to flip over with the dazed thug's legs flying straight up as the rest of him slammed back onto the concrete floor.

"He was your fucking family. You worthless piece of shit," she screamed hysterically as several others ran in her direction.

"How could you kill your flesh and blood?"

"I just did that kid a favor. At least he won't grow up to be a good-for-nothing mutt draining our society. He would have been confused because you were too big of a whore to keep your legs closed. Didn't you know that man hated every dirty black bastard he ever came in contact with before he met you?"

"He was your flesh and blood." She whispered with a look of disbelief at how cold his response was.

"I don't give a fuck about that little black bastard," he casually spit out his response.

"You hated my unborn child because his father is white?"

"You got that right, stupid bitch," he boasted proudly in a self-righteously childish manner.

"So I guess you hate your own stupid ugly assed face?"

"What the fuck are you talking bout?"

"Aren't you half black?" Acidic words flowed from her lips loud enough for everyone to hear. The men dropped their conversations, intent on listening for what he said next.

"Apparently, you've lost the little pieces of brains you thought your dumb ass had."

"You are Jedidiah McGregor and a black woman named Regina's son, aren't you?" Though he could barely see her face, his eyes bored into her soul as if he could snuff out her life given half a chance.

The Dividing Line: ABSOLUTION #COMPLETED (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now