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(Wednesday, 08/07/2019 5:13 am)


She picked up the phone and glanced at the screen. Non-stop ringing was giving her a headache, and she was sick of being disturbed. Every time she rested her eyes for a second, another call would chime through. When she looked at the device, her blood began to boil. In her mind, she knew this shit was getting out of hand.

Another private number.

Just the thought of all the private calls she was receiving day and night was beginning to work her last nerve.

To imagine another conversation with anyone right now was unappealing after a day that initially seemed like it would never come to an end.

With her hands wrapped around her arms, she turned the phone over and walked away from it, ignoring the call altogether. Her legs took her out of the room. She walked away from the kitchen to the living room and then up the stairs to her bedroom. Then, mindlessly wandering as her legs continued their journey, she found herself back in the living room once again.

In her heart, she wanted to forget her past and act as if none of it ever happened in the first place. But, honestly, nothing else really mattered except her businesses and her properties. Anything Lanie share with Igor she had already sold at that point. Nothing was tying her to the one man who broke her heart and made her look like a fool.

No matter how many times she spoke those words over and over again in her mind, she had a weakness for him still. How could she possibly stop thinking about him for good?

The swell in her chest squeezed her from the inside out. She pulled her legs up on the sofa and hugged them close to her body shivering from a chill that ran down her spine. Sitting in the house like this was the only time she allowed the frost slowly encasing her heart to melt for him, and yet again, the phone rings on cue.

Private number.

There it was again.

A fucking private number.

Whoever the silly bastard on the line was would get an earful if she decided to pick it up.

Finally, the source of her current irritation drew her away from her feelings. Enough was enough with the person who figured it was okay to disturb her by calling from a private number continuously. As her hand reached out and yanked the phone off the coffee table, it was her full intention to answer and chew on the caller's ass for a few minutes before hanging up in their face.

She would cuss them out so badly they would never call her number again.

"Who is it?!" She answered with her tone reflecting her attitude and irritation.

"Baby... please, hear me out. PLEASE!" She knew him and it pissed her off to hear his tears through the receiver.

The gruff masculine voice hitched as the caller paused for the woman's response. So much had transpired, creating a void between them that seemed incapable of being filled.

"For the love of God, can you stop this? I can't in good conscience do this with you of all people. Never will we be able to go back to the way things were before," She cried as her words cut through the anxiety and guilt that made her sick of her past.

"Baby, I know. I'm so sorry that I hurt you. You know you mean the world to me, don't you?" He pled with her. Silence met his pleas.

"Lanie. Baby, girl, please."

The Dividing Line: ABSOLUTION #COMPLETED (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now