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Thursday, 08/01/2019

"Baby, why aren't you in bed?" Cole's eyes lifted to catch a glimpse of Angel standing by the window. As bad as her injuries were, he knew she shouldn't be out of bed so soon.

He jumped up, walked over to redirect her back to the hospital bed, but the instant he managed to get her turned around, shock at what was before him forced him to retreat quickly back away from whatever or whoever it was that he was speaking to him.

"What the hell are you?" His eyes took in the sight as his mind slowly shifted to process what was happening.

"Baby, it's time for me to go. I tried to hold on as long as possible, but I can't stay any longer." Tears began to stream down his face as the picture became even more apparent.

"Please don't do this to me." The tiny voice was one he hadn't heard in at least thirty years. In the fragile tone of absolute despair, Cole understood his weakness was powerful enough to knock the wind out of any hardcore thug.

She materialized right beside him even though her body was still lying in bed, broken and attached to more than enough equipment tasked with the sole responsibility of keeping her alive.

For once in his life, he cried as if hope no longer existed. The most precious person to ever bless his life was barely struggling to hold on. Cole sincerely believed nothing would prevent her from returning to him. His hope, love, and confidence in her strength willed her to pull through.

Cole was drawn from his thoughts as a caress lighted on his skin. He turned his head just in time for a feather-soft kiss to brush across his lips.

"I will love you for all eternity." Angel's essence stroked his face.

"Baby, please don't leave me." A dam burst from his eyes as a river of tears raced down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, baby, but they're waiting for me. Please promise me that you will take care of yourself and don't go back to..." She gasped for a final breath in her attempt to plead with him.

"Cole, you are so much better than the things you used to do. Please, don't go back to that old lifestyle. Find someone who always makes you smile and spend the rest of your days at peace," Angel insisted with the little bit of strength she had left as a kiss feathered his lips once more. Before he was able to blink an eye, she was gone.


"No. No. No. God, please don't do this to me. Nurse, I need a nurse. Somebody, get the fuck in here and help her. Please, help her now." Cole wrapped his arms around the frail limp body on the bed as he moved his hands to do something he'd never cared to do before.

Cole prayed that God would forgive him for all the hell he had wrought on earth. He asked for forgiveness of his sins for the first time that he could remember in his whole miserable life as he cried to a being he never trusted or believed in before he watched the person he loved more than life itself leave him. He feared, only through a miracle, would there be enough power to keep her alive.

His fear glued him to her, making it impossible for the medical staff to get close enough to administer life-saving measures. Unfortunately, Cole's decision to wreak havoc on the team diminished the precious window of time required to resuscitate the patient. They struggled to remove him from the room, only for the six people to realize they weren't strong enough to make him budge. Finally, one doctor signaled the nurse to administer a sedative so they could handle the hysterical man.

The Dividing Line: ABSOLUTION #COMPLETED (Book 3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang