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(Wednesday, 08/07/2019 3:33 am)


No light... no sound... there was nothing. He wasn't sure if he was alone because someone placed a black over his head, obstructing his view from everything around him were luxuries denied him by his captors. He heard no sound as he lingered in the realm of nothingness. There wasn't even the slightest foundation in time to allow him to determine how much of it had elapsed.

Those fuckers grabbed him and left him in a place tied to what his mind perceived to be a chair that he was sure was bolted to the floor. Every attempt he made to stand, the rope that was firmly secured around him constricted, preventing him from the slightest adjustment even to make himself comfortable. The chair wouldn't budge.

He recalled the last thing that happened before his eyes when the vehicle they were traveling in was redirected from their route and escorted off the interstate to a convenience store parking lot. Once the cars came to a stop, a team of armed assailants quickly exited the blacked-out SUVs and snatched every member of his team out of the van.

Bruce watched the vision play out as if it was a movie that was just about to get good. The only problem with this movie was that he was an intricate member of the cast, and of fucking course, this wasn't some stupid fucking movie. It was his real life.

Each man was cuffed and loaded into an armored blacked-out transport van. When the troopers reached him, they led Bruce off to the side, away from his crew.

The man who appeared to be in control showed him the courtesy of slamming his head into the inside of the SUV's door a few times just before they battered his body, forcing him in the vehicle like a crumpled-up piece of newspaper.

Bruce was so focused on finding Cole and the stupid bitch who managed to get away from him and his boys that he left himself unprotected.

After the police raided them, a few of his contacts kept him clued in on the outcome of their handiwork. He learned that the black girl had a miscarriage. One of his contacts at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice advised him to get out of state as soon as possible. The man strongly recommended that he find a hiding place because, according to the informant, You done hit a fucking hornet's nest.

Because Bruce misjudged his target, he brought hellfire down on his head. Cole's woman had heavy connections with some of the most influential wealthy people in Dallas. Now, it was that same black bitch who made sure they snatched him up like some low-level thug. Based on the way law enforcement was handling them, it appeared she was seeking his entire crew to bleed them dry. Every single thing Angel ran her mouth about to his team was accurate. Every person involved in her kidnapping and the subsequent death of her unborn child was in for a rude awakening.

When he received the call from his connection, Bruce knew it was time to move out quick, fast, and in a motherfucking hurry. The problem with his response was that he didn't move quickly enough.

Karen Johansson was the nurse one of his friends paid to drug and remove the darkie from her room. As soon as she got the patient away from prying eyes, Jim Pilford and Ted Scottsdale provided an EMTs to grab her at the emergency room exit where they'd planned to load her up and transport her forty-five miles down the interstate to Terrell, Texas.

They made it to a barn they'd seen one day while riding around out in the country. Once the EMTs reached the location, they transferred Angel into the back of a cargo van left earlier in the day. Ted dropped off the ambulance at the office while Jim carried the drugged woman to Bruce's hideout.

Not one of the outside actors in this plot was aware of who the victim was. They had no idea what her financial status was, and unfortunately for them, they had no idea to whom she was connected. Had they been clued in on those essential pieces of information, it was doubtful that they would have involved themselves in such a life-altering operation.

The Dividing Line: ABSOLUTION #COMPLETED (Book 3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora