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Sunday, August 11, 2019

11:52 am


"Is everyone there?"

"From what I can see, they're all here."

"This is it. I laid down the law, so she already knows what's off-limits. If for any reason, whatsoever, she decides to cross that line. Don't you dare hesitate to finish her."

"Yes, sir."

"If you have to take that route..."


"Make sure you get rid of everyone. I am sick to death of this whole darn thing. I don't want to see one iota of this mess on the news or you can just get rid of yourself too. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir. I understand."

Herbert Jurgen rubbed his fingers together after placing the burner phone on his desk. It was one of many phones he used to carry out business he had no desire to see traced back to him. Because he was one of the most influential business politicians in the States, he was well versed in the arts of manipulating others to accomplish his goals.

Law enforcement had never successfully linked him to any of the illegal activities they were certain he'd committed over the years. Because Jurgen had the perfect schemes to turn the system against itself, he always managed to move around in the shadows undetected.

One of his foolproof methods of handling those who had gotten off track with the cause was simply to punish disloyal or disobedient followers, including his rivals, by turning them over to their enemies for a little corrective therapy--ass whooping. The best outcome of turning Brotherhood members over to those they hated was that corrective therapy built up their resentment of anyone who wasn't white. It also allowed their leader to address unacceptable behavior without getting his hands dirty.

Give them a little time to be thoroughly mishandled by savages, the members who returned to the fold may have been a little broken, but that brokenness could be harnessed by The Brotherhood to execute the most barbaric assignments.

His approach killed two birds with one stone.

Their leader loved his people, but he hated incompetent sloppiness. He lived for his cause, but he despised those who threatened his life's work.

Igor and Jedidiah came up with the idea of how to structure "White Only" communities to break away from local, state, and federal jurisdictions. With thriving branches of The Brotherhood on five of the seven continents and a small outpost doubling as scientists in Antarctica, they were positioning themselves to accomplish what no other leader had successfully instituted in the past.

The most important part of their plan was to remain under the collective radars of the world until it was too late to stop them from taking over. Igor Berg and Jedidiah McGregor's work positioned their cause to change the world.

Had it not been for the brilliant minds behind the men, Jurgen would have killed both of them himself.

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Sunday, August 11, 2019

12:06 pm


With a small army surrounding them, Angel finally made her way to her unwilling guests. JJ and Cole had been placed on the ground in a kneeling position. The team sent to retrieve them stood, weapons drawn, awaiting the next command.

The Dividing Line: ABSOLUTION #COMPLETED (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now