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Sunday, 08/11/2019 - 2:43 am

Cole tossed and turned, unable to sleep. He was alone in the condo again, and it wasn't sitting well with him as always. Taking a hot shower did nothing. Drinking a few glasses of Scotch took the edge off of his frustration but nothing more. Finally, he sat in the living room and closed his eyes.

     His memories always took him back to the first day he met Angel. It made him sick to his stomach to think that he initially plotted to take her life. But, she saved him from death, and of course, him being the broken asshole that he was, the only thing he could think to do was get rid of her.

     Now, if he could only... if he could just about hear her voice again, Cole knew he would give anything in the world to do so. All he needed was one more chance to show her how much he loved and appreciated her.

     His mind took him back to the day they arrived in Dallas and how sure she was that they had a better chance in the city. Oh, how he wished he had been successful at encouraging her to go anywhere else. He wanted to vanish from the world just so he and his family could exist without the threat of what was to come.

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Friday, 02/01/2019 - 3:15 pm


"Hello, Stranger." The sweet, cheerful voice was a sacred sound he hadn't heard in so many months. He couldn't bring himself to believe it was real. As Slaine sat at his desk attempting to focus on his work, the vision of Angel LeeAnna Brooks materialized before him.

     At first, he just knew his mind was playing tricks on him. Often he wondered how Angel managed on her own. Finally, he gave up on his attempts to see her again as she seemed to prefer to hide out in the country away from everyone.

     Angel called him once a month to check in, inquire about her business ventures, and let him know she was still breathing. He had no desire to dishonor his friend, but somehow along the way, their conversations led to a burning desire he was sure he should never express.

     When he last laid eyes on Angel, she was a chunky, frail, out of sorts mess. She had no plans for her life or future, leaving Slaine consumed with fears that she might harm herself. Only God knew the number of sleepless nights he endured because of the concern tearing at his heart for her.

     The woman standing before him was Angel, but somehow different. She was polished—brand new even. There was a noticeable change he was weak to acknowledge in the pit of his stomach. His eyes took sampled Angel as if she were a fine glass of champagne.

     Her body was still as curvaceous as before, but everything somehow seemed to be more aesthetically appealing. Angel's form was smoother. However, it was hard to miss that she was more toned than she had been the last time he saw her. The fact that he had to acknowledge how good she looked made him a little crazy because he knew she was off-limits.

     Standing just inside the door, she leaned against the frame and the wall. Slaine's eyes unconsciously took in the sight of a voluptuous figure with glistening warm brown skin. He once thought he might be able to convince her to become his woman, but she disappeared. As his eyes locked with hers, an unfamiliar surge raced through his veins, signaling his manhood of her presence.

     "Are you just gonna sit there and not greet me? I thought we were better than that." Angel giggled at the shocked expression on Slaine's face.

     "You can't surprise me like that. I nearly had a heart attack. I thought I was seeing things. I just knew I was staring at a ghost. On another note, you really look good."

The Dividing Line: ABSOLUTION #COMPLETED (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now