
9 1 0

Shapes of pain sleep in me

Despite rings within

Yearning to escape it all

Only for a moment

Now, flickering lights of longing vanished under a cloudless sky

Snowflakes of ourselves cry amongst the shadows

Afraid to step into the light

Too many things can go wrong

The ocean of tears reaching in the stillness

The axe of cruel judgement has slaughtered many

But remain restrained, while we are covered in the dark

The memories of freedom engulf us

How far away and long ago it feels

Like it wasn't even real

One kid want to test that theory

We tried out level best to deter him

But our efforts were futile

He never came back

Maybe light has been shed again

Maybe it's finally safe to step out

It wasn't

The axe was ready

But so was I

Society, I have returned

Accept me or not,

I remain just the same

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