Traffic Terror

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Traffic Terror
All the signs are blurred
Can't tell Lincoln from 31st
Cars dashing to and fro
No rhythm or pattern to how they go
Just tires wasting away, and road rage coming to play
Can't find my way home
I don't know my home
I don't know what is home
The light is gone, the one that had always shone
Shown me the way
But not today
Not tonight
Tonight, I have to face my demons in the dark
I knew it was going to be hard
But not at this intensity
Afraid to flip the switch
Just for it to flip back down again
Messes with my head,
Messes with my heart,
Messes with my life
I don't want the switch on

Just like NF,
"(And) I admit I am emotionally scared to let anyone inside
So I just leave my doors locked
You might get other doors to open up but this door's not
'Cause I don't want you to have the opportunity to hurt me
And I'll be the only person that I can blame when you desert me

I'm barricaded inside
So stop watching
I'm not coming to the door
So stop knocking, stop knocking

I'm trapped here
God keep saying I'm not locked in
I chose this
I am lost in my own conscience

..Fear came to my house years ago, I let him in
Maybe that's the problem 'cause I've been dealing with this ever since
I thought that he would leave, but it's obvious he never did
He must have picked the room and got comfortable and settled in

Now I'm in the position it's either sit here and let him win
Or put him back outside where he came from, but I never can
'Cause in order to do that I'd have to open the doors
Is that me or the fear talking?
I don't know anymore."

Lot of relatability here,
I'm sick of being stranded here,
And I have the key to get out of these chains that hold me back,
But I won't use them
Why, I cannot tell you

Like Breathe, "Sometimes the closest people to you make you feel protected
But those are the same people that hurt you most and leave you guessing"
Is that me, or the fear talking, again,
I still don't know anymore
I locked the door again,
Adjusting these indestructible chains
And here we are again, and again
At this point, I stopped looking at the street signs,
I no longer care how horrific the road is
I don't care how dark it is, and how little I can see
I start to walk and-

Beep. Beep. Beeping. All around.
I am awaken by people in scrubs and coats running, flushing around me in circles, like the water in the toilet from the home I can't remember
So, I guess it didn't matter, if I watched the road, or walked through it like I did
I am not dead, so there's that, sort of
I mean, I'm still chained, and still holding the key, but then I toss it foolishly
Thinking I'll never want to use them
But much later, I find out
I was mistaken.

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