Questions 1.2

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Always looking for a way out

Because I want to be done with this chaotic mess

Cure me from my disease

Danger at every corner I start to shout

Even when I try my best

Forgetting myself

Go and take away my pain, please

Horrid demons in my head and heart

I don’t know where to start again

Just let me go, or let me live

Kicking away all my helpful friends

Let me go

Maybe don’t-I don’t know

Nothing anymore makes sense

Over the edge-I want to jump over the edge, I think

Please, let me feel better, or nothing at all

Quilting this blanket of fear and dread

Starting to unravel

Truly, I don’t know if I should stop it or let it go on

Umbrella of protection is disappearing

Very overwhelming

Where do I go? What do I want?

Xylophones ringing like Pied Piper, leading me to who knows where

You can release me, God-but You won’t, and I don’t know how to feel

Zebras of madness trampling over me in this treacherous plain

Yelling, but nothing comes from my mouth, my brain

X-rays show my heart is deteriorating

What am I to do?

Vastly amongst the zebras I still remain

Underneath the darkening cloudless skies

Truly terrifying me

Satan’s pulling me into the dark

Rain blocks my vision, and got me trippin

Quad muscles building from all this running

Perplexing my mind

Over and over the toy key winds

Not running out of juice anytime soon

Magical, is life-both light and dark

Lurking me into the dimmer darkness

Karate masters are my demons

Jumping me at every turn

I want to be in my urn already

Hell, is what I fear

Going nowhere, it seems

Falling into the stream of my spirit’s screams

Everyone cheering me on

Dangerously close to the cliff ahead, where the stream ends

Be careful, or the demons will win this war

Actually, I think we’ve already gotten this far...

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