*Plead for rain*

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Many wish for money

Others, a cure.

Some plead for rain

-But not for flowers

No. It's to hide her showers and showers of tears of fears

The rain indistinguishable, unnoticeable, disguisable

As they paint her soaked face a pale red

As she wonders why she got out of bed at quarter to 5

As the voices grow heavily unignorable-all of her faults

Of which she's constantly reminded

That she isn't social, bc she doesn't want to burden you with all her drama

That she isn't smart, bc she's blinded by the rain

And the big smile she constantly has to feign

That she can't draw or sing or dance or run or play or do anything- what is she good at, what is she good for?

She's got trouble falling asleep at night, for that requires peace

You've no idea the war she is currently forever fighting. I ask you-please know this:

When you judge, you add to her crying her lack of light in her life

You've no clue she's barely holding on, barely holding on

And she's losing her grip day by day-she has no brawn

No strength no hope for dawn

Instead she lies in the storm

Screaming indefinitely, for what seems like an eternity

Pleading deafeningly, but unnoticeably so.

Everywhere she goes, her hamartias, her deficiencies, and imperfections

Out in the open for all to come and see-So why bother to be mean?

You're all already doing better than me

Academically, with your social standings,

You've won it all

So don't make us bawl in the rain- don't add onto the already ineffably, excruciatingly growing pain

What will you gain from this. From this, what could you gain?

At our age, 10-34, suicide is the second biggest cause of death in the US

The average delay of treatment of mental illness is 11 years

Who will be next? It could be me, or any one of you.

Serious illnesses cause 193.2 BILLION dollars in our economy each year

And by bullying, I fear you all as a society

Are responsible

Maybe you didn't laugh or harass

But what did you do?


Which encourages the masses of bullying to go on

You didn't offer your hand or give empathy a chance

Only showed disinterest and apathy

To yourself do you silently ask why

Why she cries so much, why she can't stop, and why doesn't she just get over it already

I can answer those whys. It's because of you

What you decided to or not to do

If only you knew what are lies, and what is actually true

As to why we feel blue. Cuz you remind us each day The reasons-every single one of you

Bystander or bully. You're all the same, all credited and blamed

I hope you understand fully now not to be mean

After all y'all don't know me

And I don't ask for you all to like me

But that you do not hate me, just cuz some people need the rain

Don't hate us and make each our smiles feigned

For the stars can not shine without the darkness

We need our rain to better appreciate the blazing sun

We yearn for the day, we smile because we've finally won

The day we wish for the next dawn

Help us don't hate us

Don't create a fuss. No Longer must I continue to discuss

The severity of my request:

That you don't hate us

That you help us.

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