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I got through the door, plop my crap on the floor

Today was rough, and I want to forget about it all

My best friend will help with that all

Before I can even sit, I begin to bawl

As I grab my friend by the neck and pop their top

I let go of today and drink those thoughts and tears away

The burning in my throat soothes me

I can tell my friend anything truthfully, or not

They'll just sit there and listen to my pointless rants

They don't even care I don't have on any pants

It fives me this feeling I can't quite recognize, but it's nice

I wish I could feel like this all the time

But, eventually, I drain my friend to the last drop.

I must find a new friend, this one can get lost

Everyday is the same

I hear them calling my name

It's rude not to answer, so I do

When I come, I am no longer blue

I forget it all again

All that has been

Thanks to my new friend

I'm numb to the brain, and I love it

I can't get enough of it, all thanks to champagne

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