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The vividness of the moon illuminates

As the night ages

The stars, they too shine oh so greatly

A dance of twinkling they'll engage in

As the hand of the clock progresses to twelve

Not a trace of day is left

Not the subtlest hint

Of the orange, red, or pink

That had painted the infinite sky

Just moments before

It lights up every city

It shone a ghost white

As it begins to take flight

You glance up there, way up high

It's so close, but so out of your grasp

In spite of being lightyears and lightyears away

The familiarity is so comforting-the night

So that you forget you're a foreigner, never been

Just watching with your feet curled up in the damp grass, each night-again and again

Accompanied by the crickets, occasional bats, cars passing through

My, the sight will just transport you

Your house, neighbors, it all fades from view, existence itself

It's just you and the evening is all that is, all that's ever been

Until the radiant sun peeks over the blazing horizon

And you're transported back, surrounded once again

By people, by responsibilities you feign to love

Until next dusk, with air filled with cool, a dewy musk, just to fade again

Until next dusk, my friend

Until next dusk

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