*Brilliant Darkness*

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The light is brilliant, when the switch is finally on
You know where you are going
No more blind, endless circles
Find the door and open it
But the hinges are stuck
You are stuck
There grows a hole beneath you
You stumble and fall backwards
And the door disappears
The switch goes off
And you are lost again
You decide it's better this way
Sit still somewhere far away from the walls
The walls that hide amidst the black nothingness that surrounds you
Once you sit for a minute, you realize it's not so bad in the dark
Maybe it's better, even
In an odd way, it's almost comforting
A different kind of comforting
But isolation isn't something to which I should be resorting
But I want to let others' brilliance shine for a while
I'm afraid of dimming theirs
So I'll sit alone in my black
Lying on the floor/ground- I can't tell
I know the light is so warm and consoling and embracing
But the black is an unusal kind of comfort
It's almost like an old friend
So, I guess I'm alone, but not alone
Even though it grows lonely in the black
I'm used to it
I don't want to leave
I've been on the other side, and it's astoundingly bright, warm, and fulfilling
I'm not alone
I'm not sleeping
I'm laughing
I can be at peace
But then that hole comes back and the door slams shut again
I grow tired of opening it and having been shut out the door
I can sit in either room
But I've grown comfortable and more familiar with where I am now
The brilliance on the other side is great, sure
But it never stays
I don't want to borrow someone else's brilliance, either
So, I'll just be alone but not in the pitch black dark
Give a break to my heart
My brain, too
I'm done playing this little game
I wish anyways
But it is not so
Why can't I control the knob
Twist it whenever I feel like it
But never know when it's time to do so
I just linger about for a while
Here, there, wherever I happen to be
And stumble back and forth
Wishing I had more of both sides
When I'm in the dark, give me more dark
When I'm in the light, lighten my heart more
Let me though the door
Let me in
Don't block me out
I don't want to bang and beg and shout
That's not what I'm all about
That just makes the disappointment worse
Sometimes I wish I were in a black hearse
Make it all go away
Other times, I want to bask in the sun, absorbing its heat, burning my problems away
It all depends
What side will I lay in today?

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