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All of it is sad

Because all of me is bad

Crying so much

Dangerous touch

Echoing darkness

Forgetting my joys

Grabbing onto my previous "survival skills." **

Honestly, I'd rather have myself killed

Instead of trying to balance my disproportionate mess of a life

Just a big baby is what I am

Kicking at screaming at every helping hand

Lying I would be, if I said I'm really trying

Making it work wants me to be dying

Nobody needs me

Outlook is frightening, the way I need them

Pathetic, just pathetic

Quiet I seek

Roaring loud noise rings within me

Stupid self thinks I can fix the broken piece of me

Truly, Idk why God keeps me here

Under the influence of darkness and depression and fear, simultaneously

Vacuuming all the negativity into me

Where all hope gets lost in my maze of puzzled feelings and ambitions and just everything

XOXOs coming at me from all directions

Yet I can't bring my wall down

Zeal I want to feel for my life

You know not what the future looks like

Want to? Ofc I do!

Very much so, but it is not so

Umbrella of yours has deteriorated-vulnerable to everything bad

Terrifying, how much I'm sad, how I'm bad- at life, at feelings, at being myself

Selfish little MFing poor excuse of a human being

Ready to skip to the credits w/o seeing the ending of the movie

Quit already? -I wish

Perhaps I'm just in a funk, idk what else to call this

Ofc there are open hands all around to (TRY to) flip my frown upside-down

Needy and pathetic, it is. That I am. Nobody needs me here, so Idk why I'm trying to please everyone

Making myself cry at EVERY. SINGLE. THING.

Losing the war-do I really want to? But is life something I really want to keep fighting for?

Kicking and screaming at every lending hand

Jumping into No Man's Land

Idk what I want, just something other than this.

Getting NOWHERE in life, but I cannot end it, must play by the rules, live life right

Falling into nothingness, not sure if I want back out or not

Everyone wants to help, most pity me, some want me to take another shot

Dangerously wavering on the edge

Coming back like the waves on the seashore

Beckoning me back into the nothing-numbing pain I've succumbed to

Always waiting for my next move-Idk what it'll be. Idk what I need. But please, make it all go away for me.

**(self harm, isolation, etc.)

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