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The earth moves roughly at 1,000 mph(according to
Yet, we can't feel a thing
Doesn't matter- our numbness to time makes little difference
We're all moving
Always moving
The earth will continue to move long after we've reached our expiration date
This is not something I necessarily hate
But I just hate how insignificant I am
I probably won't make it big time- in any type of work/field/hobby
But I don't want to just sit here in this big af line
Waiting  for the light to appear
As much as I'd love to be there,
I'm not
And there's always the chance I won't ever go there
Don't want to make assumptions or opinions
That's His job, and His job only
I make lots of mistakes, some can atoned,
But where must the line be drawn
Separating the forgivable and the not
At some point, there is a limit
And I feel like I'm getting hot
Marco has found Polo
And I may be all alone
Earthly saying, I will be
But I have my doubts-why would I deserve what He's given me/us
A man who was part spirit, part man, and part God found Himself on the earth, the most innocent and purest that was, and ever will be
Was tortured, mutilated, bullied, whipped, and even more things
Between two robbers-he was the first to "deserve" to be literally puncture with nails in a tee on a cross for 6 long hours
THEN- LITERALLY DIED, for three whole days, and came back for you and me.
Because of that, every mistake we make, has been atoned for, from a Man who wasn't even alive through our existence, in visible, earthly form
I don't deserve redemptions
Many of us don't
But we do anyway
Washes our bad history away
Like it wasn't even there
I am so grateful, but it's not fair
I mean its His universe, His people, His rules
He can do whatever the fudgenugget He wants to do
It's not up to me, not up to you
Whatever He plans for us to go through.
But the fact most of us ignore Him or intentionally act or behave wrongly, on the daily, and He'll still love us
Most people would get tired of me/you/somebody else
We don't deserve His help
Everyone else has a limit
A breaking point, to say Whelp, I tried. Good luck on your own. Can't help you anymore
Not all, but many know of this salvation
Yet, we act recklessly and foolishly, ignoring His existence, til we need something again
He doesn't care. He loves everyone regardless, neverminding
I used to be an athiest
But He showed Himself to me,
All was better
There are all times we've become a begger
And we are heard
When we deserve silence, to be forsaken
But we aren't
Never forsaken.
Although, all His expectations, logic, reasoning, and hopes for the future are scribbled in a 2,000 year old book
How does He feel now, after 2,000 years later, about humanity
He did wipe the face of the earth with the exception of Noah and the animals
The world wasn't as horrible then as it is now, I think
So how must He feel now?
I feel like an even worse douche, thinking about this.
I'll just stay amiss
Sadly smiling.

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