*My Inner War*

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Something seems to be missing

Something big

I can physically feel this void

Haunting me

The problem is, there is no problem

I'm doing just fine

Contentment has kissed me hello

But happiness still lurks in the dark

There is no noise, no voices

Torturing me

I have no clue as to where this feeling comes from

But it sure isn't nice

Apprehension has me captured

I can't stand it

I know something is coming, that's what's missing

It won't let me enjoy the little sun I see and feel

I have my umbrella at hand, for the storm that's all too real

When it hits, it'll hit hard

On my entire life will it bombard

I sigh of dread and tiredness

He has a plan, and there is no way around it.

He will protect me, but he will get in the way

He always does

Consumes my life, mind, my everything,

Like filet mignon all dressed up on a silver platter

But it doesn't matter

What's to come will come

Doesn't matter who it's from

I will await the storm to be done

In spite that it hasn't come yet


Very soon

I'm afraid the loony bin is awaiting my arrival

Idk about my survival

Of course this is all fear talking

Out of this I should be walking

But instead I am subconsciously stalling

Eventually I will again be falling

I can feel our future encounter

The feeling gets louder as things get better

Drives me mad

Wishing for more that I ever had

Happiness is an alien from a completely different dimension

Our attempt to meet just causes tension

Idk what I'm doing, or what to do anymore

So I just lay on the carpeted floor, staring up at the ceiling


Waiting for the storm,

Just let it come already

I have my umbrella at hand

I just don't understand

I can't be bad, nor good

God, I would if I could

But I can't

So I shan't

Emptiness my soul will forever chant

Yearning for the slightest chance

It'll all be good

Just like it should

But that window has closed

I throw on my pajama clothes,

Ready for the night

Reluctantly getting prepared to fight.

So, bring it.

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