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People call me many things


A real trooper

A heart and mind that is tough

but all I can feel is not enough


Of all the pain and nothingness,

Of all the misery and emptiness

Of all the waiting and fear

Fear I'll never move on from here

Some people live to die

But I'm dying to live

Call me selfish

But it just isn't fair

I want to rip out my hair out of frustration

I don't believe in the magic of constellations,

But my fate seems sealed

I will forever feel this way

From day to night in

The way it's always been

Or so it just feels this way

My luck is forever delayed

I just want to chill

People call me smart

But if I was, I'd have seen this coming

Could've avoided this whole spiel

Because this right here has no appeal to me

All I feel is dread

I no longer wish myself dead,

I want to live

Not just breathe, but to live life

I'm given this existence, I want to do something with it

I want to be brave

A real trooper

With a heart and mind that's tough

But life gets rough

And my best is not enough

I want to find love, with life and myself

But that box is too high on the shelf to grasp

So close, but too far

I'll never be up to par

Rubbing all my scars,

 Riding my sad bike,

Hands clenched tight on the handlebars,

Expecting to lose balance,

Then finally comes exhalence,

But not today, not yet

Today, I have to be brave.

I have to fight another day.

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