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It's only midday

And the showers already begin to sprinkle

Down her cheek and down her chin

No longer may she hold it all in

Lets it out lets it out

All the wanting to jump and shout

To run

To run and run and never stop

She'd go and go and go and then go some more

Until all her troubles are forgotten

Because she can't hold it in any longer

She knows the only way to grow stronger –

She must become fonder of sharing her woes

For nobody,


Nobody knows

How far deep her trouble goes.

Which just happens to flow(out)

Despite the pain, the throbbing of her heart, her chest

Her inability to see, through the water flooding her eyes,

She's finally decided she's fed up with all of her lies

From now on she will try

No longer feign a false smile over, and over again

This release from which she feels relief,

It is SO overdue

Acknowledging such, her tears continue to flow.

But now

They've turned

Turned into a feeling of hope, a lack of feeling blue

Because now she's going through a lesson of recovery.

Thinking of this makes her grin expression fade, and her tears flood with joy

Turns out all she needed was a little faith.

This is so shocking-

That she's crying tears of happiness,

And it's only midday.

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