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no sanctuary

"drop your weapons! now!" gareth yelled from the rooftop, earning a glare as i threw down my knife and then my gun.

the others did the same, never taking their eyes off gareth. "ringleader, go to your left. the train car, go."

"you do what we say the boy goes with you. anything else, he dies and you end up in there anyway."

rick paused, moving his eyes between carl and me, giving us a small nod before moving to the train car.

     "now the archer"

     "now the samurai"

     "now the ninja" gareth smirked, referring to how i fought with my knives.

      "stand at the door, ringleader, archer, samurai, ninja, in that order."

     we all paused, looking to carl who stood alone in the center, staring back at us. "my son!"

     "go kid" gareth demanded, causing carl to slowly walk towards us. "ringleader, open the door and go in."

     rick shook his head, "i'll go in with him."

    "don't make us kill him now." gareth retorted, causing rick to hesitate before stepping up, opening the train car door.

    we all stepped in one after the other, carl joining us soon after. me and rick pulled him closer to us, happy we were back as a family.

a thud caused me and rick to look up, watching as a figure appeared out of the dark, "melanie?"

i froze in shock, seeing glenn standing in front of me. i huffed out a breath, moving away from carl and rick.

"glenn." i mumbled, rushing to where he stood, pulling his body close to mine, snaking my hands around his neck, crying from joy.

we both pulled away, getting a look at each other before i set my hands on the sides of his face, pulling him in for a kiss over and over again.

"so you're the girl glenns been going bitchnut crazy over." an unfamiliar voice stated as i pulled away, looking at some familiar faces.

"they're our friends, they helped save us." maggie assured, earning nods from the rest of us.

"yeah, now they're friends of ours"

"for however long that'll be" a man with red short hair commented, causing rick to shake his head.

"no... they're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out." rick retorted, moving to look out a crack in the train car.

"find out what?"

rick paused, turning his head to face us, "they're screwing with the wrong people."

"you miss me?" tara questioned, stepping to where i was, making a weapon out of my belt.

"is that even questionable?" i smiled, pulling her into a hug, earning a couple confused looks.

"wait, you guys know each other?" glenn asked, glancing between us. i nodded, smiling back at the short haired girl.

"my sisters best friend through college, davina told me she was with you."

tara looked at me confused, "you were with davina?"

i nodded, a frown appearing on my face, "yeah. me, daryl, beth, and davina left the prison together. we got split from beth and davina on the trip."

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