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*don't play the song yet!!"

"i'm not a scientist! i'm not a scientist!" eugene shouted, my heart sank from his words. everybody fell silent turning to stare at him.

"i thought if i could cheat some people into taking me there, well, i just reasoned that i'd be doin them a solid, too." he stammered, looking around at the group but mostly at abraham.

   "people died trying to get you here." rosita uttered, holding back tears.

i just stood there thinking about all the choices ive made in the past couple days just trying to get him to dc.

   i took a small step away, holding a hand over my mouth thinking about rick and the others.

    i was quick pulled out of my thoughts as shouting erupted through the air again. i turned, watching  abraham throw punches at eugene.

   "bunch of damn two year olds." i mumbled before stepping into the fight, trying to pull abraham away from eugene, once again.

    i heard a hard slam against the truck, now watching eugene fall to the ground.

"oh, god." i muttered, releasing my grip from abraham, quickly kneeling to the ground beside eugene.

   i rolled him over, seeing blood run down his face. rosita and tara soon rushed to my sides, looking at him worriedly.

"eugene?" i questioned him, not expecting an answer as i gently shook his body.

   i checked his pulse, making sure he was still alive. when i realized he would be fine, i chuckled, finding that it was pretty strong for the hit he took.

"damn fighter" i grinned, standing up. tara and rosita furrowed their brows, watching me stand up and walk away.

"what the hell?! you're a doctor, help him." rosita yelled, causing me to turn back around.

   "his pulse is good, his breathing is a little off but it's because of the trauma. he probably has a small concussion, that's it." i assured, making tara smile.

   "she's a badass and has brains." she smirked, before i turned away, glenn stood there shaking his head at me in disbelief.

   "my wife is a badass and has brains. aren't i lucky?" he joked sarcastically, earning a small giggle from me.

   "shut up." i warned, slightly punching his chest. commotion filled the air once again, causing me and glenn to turn our heads, seeing rosita yelling at abraham.

   "look at me!" she shouted, making him quickly stand up, hands in a fist. memories of my past flooded my mind, causing my gun to fly up in response.

   my gun clicked, catching his attention as he slowly turned to me, seeing my gun pointed directly at him.

"sit down or ill put you down." i started, holding his intense stare, "i'm done dealing with your shit."

    with my orders, he slowly kneeled down to the ground, his eyes caught on the road.

   i now sat across from abraham on the road while the rest went to find water from a stream near by.

    eugene was still out cold so i decided to stay, and make sure abraham wouldn't try anything. he didn't look at me once, nor did he move a muscle.

    "you need to straighten up, acting out isn't gonna help anything." i stated, earning a quick glance from him.

   "everyone's lost something today." i started, looking down, "i left my lost sister and best friend to help you guys get him to dc."

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