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"DOLLERS?" Strange asked Wong while walking down the stairs a certain brown haired girl and curly headed boy following close behind.

"Rupees" Wong says pulling the Rupees out of his pants.

"Which is" Strange asks turning around to look at him, Elena and Lucas doing the same.

"Uh, buck and a half" Wong says shrugging making Lucas laugh a little while Strange and Elena sigh.

"What do you want?" Elena asked now in front of all the boys turning around to look at them.

"I wouldn't say no to a tuna melt" Wong says clapping his hands together passing the Rupees to Lucas. Just as Lucas grabbed the Rupees something, more like some people fell from the sky. Making Wong put his shields out, Strange doing the same, Lucas' eyes went blue his hands ready to electrocute anything that could harm him or his sister, and Elena already had a small flame in her hand also ready to attack. They all looked in the hole and saw a curly head teen and a grown man not wearing a shirt unlike the rest of them Lucas knew exactly who they were.

"fuck that hurt like a bitch" said Lyiam making Lucas relax now knowing it was just his best friend and Bruce Banner (most known as "the hulk"). Lyiam got up slowly and looked around before his eyes landed on Lucas making his eyes widen.

"Ayo Badeaux, you're just gonna leave your best friend down here" Lyiam shouted at Lucas making him smile as Bruce started gaining consciousness again.

"Thanos is coming. He's coming." Bruce says making them all glance at each with a worried yet confused expression.

"Who?" Strange and Elena said at the same time.

"TONY STARK" Strange says climbing out of a portal, Elena behind him with her arms crossed. "I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me." Strange says sternly making Tony grab Peppers shoulder.

"Uh, congratulations on the wedding, by the way" Elena says with a smile.

"I'm sorry, you giving out tickets to something?" Tony asked sarcastically.

"We need your help. It's not overselling it to say that the fate of the universe is at stake." Strange says.

"And who's we?" Tony asked very confused.

"Hey, Tony" Bruce says as he and Lyiam step out with Lucas following behind.

"Bruce, Lyiam" Tony says shocked.

"Pepper" Lyiam says waving at the blonde she responds with a simple hi.

"oh" Bruce says going to hug Tony.

"You okay?" Tony asks Bruce with much worry but hugging back.

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