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"HOW WE LOOKING, BRUCE?" Nat asked into her ear piece.

"Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it" Bruce said as he was in a suit rather than Hulk form, he ran past the ship that Steve and Ophelia were in. Athena and Riley stayed with Shuri, Vision, and Wanda, while Achilles stayed with Nat.

"Wow! This is amazing, man. It's like being the hulk without actually" He starts but stops when he trips and falls making Okoye look at him weirdly.

"I'm okay. I'm okay" Bruce reassured as he stood up from the ground.

"I've got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line" Rhodney said as he and Sam (the falcon) flew in the sky. The army that was on the ships all jumped off into position not far from the shield. Okoye, T'Challa, Steve, Nat, Achilles, Ophelia, and Bucky made their way to the front. Steve, Nat, Ophelia, T'Challa, and Achilles all walked towards the aliens whom were standing on the other side of the shield.

"Where's your other friend" Nat asked.

"You will pay for his life with yours. Thanos will have that stone" One of the aliens spoke.

"That's not gonna happen" Achilles and Ophelia stated at the same time crossing their arms at the same time as well.

"You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood" T'Challa challenged.

"We have blood to spare" she snapped back raising her sword making the triangle ships doors open.

"They surrender" Bucky asked as Steve and the others walked back.

"Not exactly" Steve replied. Alien dog things were let out of the ships and the dogs ran towards the forcefield.

"What the hell" Bucky said as Ophelia's eyes widened and she grew tense.

"Looks like we pissed her off" Nat said making Achillies eyebrows furrow.

" Wait it was girl" He said in disbelief making Nat send him look which he ignored. The dogs ran into the force field only to be sent flying back.

"They're killing themselves" Okoye said, her eyes widening. Some of the dogs were starting to make in through. The army had shot most of them, Bucky and Sam were also shooting at them.

"You see the teeth on those things" Sam exclaimed.

"All right, back up, Sam. You're gonna get your wings singed" Rhodney said leaving Sam's question unanswered as he dropped bombs along the side of the force field.

"Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us there's nothing between them and Vision" Bruce said looking down at Steve.

"Then we better keep 'em in front of us" Steve said.

"How do we do that" Okoye asked not understanding what he meant.

"We open the barrier" T'Challa said looking at her.

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