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"OKAY HERE WE GO" Riley said clapping her hands together.

"Time travel test number one. Scott, fire up the, uh, van thing" Bruce says as he and Riley messed around with the control panel.

"Breakers are set" Steve says walking towards the two.

"Emergency generators are on standby" Ophelia says coming in from a different direction. Nat following shortly behind.

"Good, because if we blow the grid, I don't want to lose, uh, Tiny here in the 1950s" Bruce said mumbling the last part.

"Excuse me" Scott said shocked and confused.

"He's kidding. You can't say things like that" Riley said with a reassuring smile.

"It was a bad joke" Bruce said turning around. Scott nodded and walked toward.

"You were kidding, right" Nat asked looking up from her tablet.

"I have no idea. We're talking about time travel here. Either it's all a joke or none of it is" Bruce says looking at Nat.

"We're good" Bruce says throwing Scott a thumbs up as the rest of them put fake reassuring smiles on there faces.

"Get your helmet on" Riley orders.

"Scott, we're gonna send you back a week, let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in 10 seconds" Bruce said as Ophelia put on some sunglasses, Riley gave her a 'wtf' look.

"What? Lucas made me watch this one movie where they were time traveling and the had to put sunglasses on" Ophelia responded crossing her arms.

"Make sense" Bruce asked Scott who nodded.

"Good luck, Scott. You got this" Steve said.

"You're right. I do, Captain America" Scott said with a smile

"Just don't die or get lost" Ophelia added with a smile and a thumbs up just before Scott got sucked into the van.

"On the count of three. Three, two, one" Bruce said as Riley pushed the button to bring Scott back.

"Uh... Guys" Teenage Scott said.

"I'm not a braniac and all but that's not Scott" Ophelia said leaning on the table.

"Shit" Riley mumbled hitting the button again only for Scott to come back as an old man.

"Space people" Riley yelled shooing everyone minus Bruce away then pressing a couple of buttons only for a baby version of Scott.

"Hey look baby Scott" Ophelia said pointing at the baby stifling a laugh.

"When I say kill the power, kill the power" Bruce says as Nat ran towards the power switch.

"Kill it" Bruce said, Nat pulled the lever down. He slammed his fist on the button bringing normal Scott back.

"Welcome back" Ophelia said with a smile doing finger guns to Scott.

"Somebody peed my pants" Scott said in shock.

"Oh, thank god" Nat said putting a hand over her heart.

"But I don't know if it was baby me or old me. or just me me" Scott said looking down.

"TMI dude" Ophelia said.

"Time Travel" Bruce said as he and Riley threw there hands out. Steve just rolled his eyes.

"I see this as an absolute win" Bruce said as Steve walked away, Ophelia also walking out.

"WHY THE LONG FACE" Tony asked from the front seat.

"Let me guess, he turned into a baby" Lucas added from the passenger seat.

"Among other things, yea" Steve said looking away.

"What are you doing here" Ophelia asked crossing her arms.

"It's the EPR Paradox" Lucas said getting out of the car.

"Instead of pushing him through time, you might've wound up pushing time through Lang" Lucas added walking to the other side of the car.

"It's tricky, dangerous. Somebody could have cautioned you against it" Tony said looking at Lucas who leaned against the car and nodded.

"You guys did" Steve said looking at Tony.

"Oh, did we? Well, thank god we're here" Tony said.

"Regardless, We fixed it" Lucas said holding up his hand showing a device with a proud smile.

"A fully functioning time-space GPS" Lucas added to his pervious statement.

"I just want peace" Tony said holding up a peace sign which Lucas quickly put down.

"Never do that again" Lucas said shaking his head.

"Turns out resentment is corrosive, and I hate it" Tony said.

"Me, too" Steve said keeping eye contact with Tony.

"We got a shot at getting these stones, but we gotta tell you our priorities" Tony said looking between Ophelia and Steve.

"Bring back what we lost, yes" Lucas said putting his hands in his pocket.

"Keep what we found, I have to, at all costs" Tony said.

"And maybe not die trying. Would be nice" Tony added.

"Sounds like a deal" Steve says as he and Tony shake hands.

"Did he really turn into a baby" Lucas asked Ophelia as they walked in the tower not wanting to wait for Tony and Steve.

"Yup" Ophelia said as she grabbed his hand and pulled him to run towards the lab.

triple updates because the first 2 were really short also because i haven't updated in like 2 days but the scene in the diner gives me second hand embarrassment for like no reason it just does. also while i was realized while writing some of these parts that they relate to parts that im writing for 'in the end' and it just made me laugh. thats it for today loves!
have an amazing day/night and remember to drink water and eat!


( p.s. do you guys have head cannons for the characters? )

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