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"THE WATER GOES ON THE DISHES NOT THE AIR" Lucas said coming down the stairs in pajamas walking towards the fridge. He yawned before opening the fridge door and getting a Capri-Sun. Tony turned to look at Lucas.

"Those are Morgan's" Tony said turning back towards the dishes. He grabbed a picture of him with Sam, Peter, and Lucas. He looked at before looking at Lucas who was throwing away the Capri-Sun and the smart table in the other room.

"Wanna do something fun" Tony asked Lucas who looked at him confused but then looked at the picture he was holding.

"Like building a time machine fun" Lucas asked already walking to the other room.

"We've got a mild inspiration" Lucas said pulling up a blue print of a machine.

"We'd like to see if it checks out" Tony said standing on the opposite side of the table.

"So, take one last sim before we pack it in for the night. This time, in the shape of a Mobius strip, inverted, please" Lucas said furrowing his eyebrows.

"Processing" FRIDAY responded.

"Right, give me the eigenvalue of that particle, factoring in the spectral decomp. That'll take a second" Tony said as he drank his water.

"And don't worry if it doesn't pan out. We're just kinda" Lucas said but stopping when FRIDAY finishes.

"Model rendered" Friday says as the words 'MODEL SUCESSFUL" shows up as well making Tony fall back into his chair while Lucas looks at the model in disbelief.

"Shit" Tony exclaims throwing his arms to the side.

"Shit" Morgan said making Tony turn in his seat to face Morgan, Lucas had already saw her come down.

"What are you doing up, little miss" Tony asked.

"Shit" Morgan repeated.

"Nope. We don't say that. Only Mommy and Lucas say that word. They coined it. It belongs to them" Tony said as Lucas made his way to sit next to Morgan on the stairs.

"Why are you up" Morgan asked the two.

"Because we've got some important shit going on here" Lucas said pointing at the Time Machine. Morgan made an 'angry' face.

"Why do you think? No, we've got something on our minds." Tony added.

"Was it juice pops" Morgan asked looking between Tony and Lucas. Lucas looked at Tony for an answer.

"Sure was" Tony said and grabbed Morgan's hand and Morgan grabbed Lucas' hand.

"That's extortion. That's a word" Lucas added before he and Tony looked back at the Time Machine.

"What kind do you want" Lucas asked looking down at Morgan.

"You done? Yeah" Tony asked then biting off the rest of the juice pop.

"Now you are" Tony added wiping off her mouth with his sleeve.

"That face goes there" Lucas said pushing her face down towards the pillow.

"Tell me a story" Morgan asked Lucas who looked at Tony, who walked out with a nod.

"What story would Morgan like me to tell" Lucas asked Morgan as she scooted over so Lucas could sit on the bed.

"The one with the superheroes" Morgan said.

"Okay so once upon a time, there were 7 superheroes" Lucas started.

"Valek, Ophelia, Riley, Lyiam, Athena, Achilles, and you" Morgan said counting with her fingers as she said each name.

"Correto Morgan, so one day a misunderstood villain named Loki came and stole a very important rock called, the Tesseract" Lucas says using his illusion power to make Morgan see the Tesseract in his hand. The rest of that night was full of Lucas telling Morgan the story of the Attack of New York and Loki with visuals but nothing to graphic. When Pepper came to check on Morgan that night she saw Morgan asleep on the bed but Lucas asleep on a makeshift bed on the floor. Tony smiled to himself as he walked in behind Pepper and turned off Morgan's lamp.

notes will be on the next chapter!

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