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"SO WE JUST SIT HERE AND WAIT FOR THEM TO COME BACK" Achilles said pacing with his arms crossed.

"Yes" Athena said sitting on the ground making a flower grow from the cement.

"Ophelia what do you think? You never do what Rodgers says" Achilles turned around to ask Ophelia only to see her standing in front of one of those tv's in the store windows watching it very intensely.

"What's the matter Lia" Athena asked as she and Achilles walked over to the television only to see Tony, Lucas, and Valeks faces on the TV. Tony's photo looked like the one on his drivers license but Valeks and Lucas' look like mugshots from their revenge days.

"There missing" Achilles says shocked. He hadn't seen Lucas' since The Civil War and Valek went off the grid a few months after.

"You don't think-" Athena says getting cut off by Ophelia.

"No they wouldn't be together. Lucas would keep the grudge that they fought on opposite side and so would Valek. Wait look" Ophelia said getting upset at the mention of Lucas but then noticing a video of 2 people falling from the sky on the news.

"Is that Lyiam and Bruce" Achilles said recognizing Lyiams iconic curly hair and Bruce in Hulk form.

"Holy mother of god. Well there is your reason as to why Valek and Lucas went missing together, Lyiam probably made them make up" Athena said completely shocked. Achilles was gonna reply but got cut off by Sam flying over their heads making them run after him knowing Sam was only supposed to fly out of Steve was having trouble fighting the aliens.

"We should go help" Achilles said urging everyone away from the Tv and to where Sam was headed.

"IT'S GREAT TO SEE YOU CAP" Rhodney said putting his hand out for Steve to shake. Nat, Athena, and Ophelia all going in to give him a hug while Achilles nodded as a way of saying hello.

"Wow. You guys-" Rhodney started but got cute off.

"really look like crap" Riley said coming from around the corner making Athenas, Ophelias, and Achilles' head turn towards her as they ran to her for hug ignoring the others stares at the teens.

"Oh jesus" Athena said breaking away from the hug running her hand through her hair.

"How have you been" Ophelia asked.

"Oh I'm good grew a little I cut my hair but how are you guys? All three of you look so different" Riley said

"How different" Achilles asked.

"Well Ophelias hair is shorter and she is a little taller. Athenas hair is longer, and your a whole taller" Riley said.

"Uh, I think you look great" Bruce says making everyone turn there heads.

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