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"KIND OF A STEP DOWN FROM THE GOLDEN PALACES AND THE MAGIC HAMMERS AND WHATNOT" Rocket said as he, Kansas, Bruce, Lucas, and Riley all got out of the back of the truck. Lucas had argued his way into going, he hadn't seen his best friend in awhile so of course he wanted to go. Riley mainly wanted to go because Kansas was going, anyone could tell the two had feelings for each other except for them. Riley stood next to Kansas, Lucas let the love birds be next to each other so he stood next to Rocket.

"Hey, have a little compassion, pal. First, they lost Asgard, then half of their people. They're probably just happy to have a home" Bruce said looking down at Rocket.

"You shouldn't have come" Valkyrie said crossing her arms startling the group.

"Valkyrie! Great to see you, angry girl" Bruce said as they all walked towards her.

"I think I liked you better either of the other ways. This is Rocket, Riley and-" Bruce started but Valkyrie cut him off.

"Lucas and Kansas" she said as she hugged them. The others confused.

"You guys do know that we have been here before right" Lucas said letting go of Valkyrie. They all shrugged and Valkyrie's face went serious but she kept an arm on Lucas while Kansas went back to Riley.

"He won't see you" Valkyrie said making them all frown.

"It's that bad, huh" Bruce said with a frown.

"We only see him once a month when he comes in for 'supplies'" Valkyrie said pointing at the barrels marked beer making them all wince.

"It's that bad" Riley said wrapping her arms around Kansas' arm cuddling into her side.

"Yeah" Valkyrie said nodding.

"What the hell died in here" Lucas said scrunching his nose in disgust.

"Hello? Thor" Kansas called out covering her nose.

"Are you here about the cable" Thor asked walking towards a chest with beer.

"The cinemax went out two weeks ago and the sports are all kinda fuzzy and whatnot" Thor continued grabbing a beer.

"Thor" Bruce called out before stepping into the living room the others behind him.

"Guys! Oh, my god" Thor exclaimed throwing his hand to the side.

"Lyiam, get down here" Thor yelled turning towards an opening that was next to the fire place.

"Oh, my god, it's so good to see you" Thor exclaimed again throwing his arms around Bruce.

"Come here, cuddly little rascal" He said hugging Rocket must to the raccoons complaints.

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