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"WOW, YOU'RE A SERIOUSLY LOYAL PIECE OF OUTERWEAR AREN'T YOU?" Tony said to Stranges cloak making Lyiam, Lucas, and Valek laugh until they saw the last thing they expected to see.

"Yeah, uh" Sam started flipping onto the ground.

"Speaking of loyalty" Peter finished also flipping on to the ground.

"What the" Lyiam started but was cut off by Lucas.

"Peter, Sam-" Lucas started as he was about to lecture them like a father.

"I know what you're going to say" Peter interrupted looking between Tony and Lucas.

"You should not be here" Tony whisper yelled at Peter and Sam.

"We were gonna go home" Sam tried speaking but got cut off by Lucas.

"We don't want to here it" Lucas said seriously.

"But it was such a long way down" Peter said doing hand motions trying to save him and Sam from a lecture.

"And we thought about you guys on the way" Sam tried to finish.

"And now we gotta here it" Tony said while Lucas rana his hand threw his hair even though Lucas was only a year older them them he still felt like he needed to keep them safe.

"Are they always like this" Valek asked Elena who after landing walked to the edge of the ledge they were on.

"Jesus never sneak up on a girl with powers and I wouldn't know" Elena said still looking over the ledge.

"and whys that" Valek asked crossing his arms making Elena turn around and look at him with a death glare making Valeks eyes widen in mini fear.

"That's none of your concerned" Elena said turning back around, making Valek throw his hands up in defeat and walk back to Lyiam only to hear a statement that even he knew would piss Tony and Lucas off.

"So, if anything" Peter started

"It's kind your guys fault that we're here" Sam and Peter finished together only to wish they had never said those words after seeing Lucas and Tony's face contort into not only an offended look but also a very pissed off one.

"What do you guys just say" Tony said Lucas just looked like he was going to punch something so Lyiam and Valek took that as the moment to take him away from the 2 'kids' and bring him over to them and start there own conversation.

"Why did you drag me over here" Lucas asked crossing his arms looking between Lyiam and Valek.

"Because 1, you sound like a dad lecturing his son and 2, you looked like you wanted to punch something" Valek said smirking, Lyiam punched his shoulder forgetting how up front Valek was.

"What Valek is trying to say is- well okay you did look like you wanted to punch a wall" Lyiam said making Lucas and Valek both smile. Meanwhile Elena thought since her brother had his friends she could go attempt to make friends with Peter and Sam while Tony decided what to do with the 'kids'.

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