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"TINKLE IN THE CUP. WE'RE NOT LOOKING" Kansas tells Groot who had to go to the bathroom.

"What's there to see? What's a twig? Everybody's seen a twig before" Rocket adds while flying the ship.

"I am Groot" Groot says leaning forward in his seat towards Rocket.

"Tree, pour what's in the cup out into space and go in the cup again" Thor says from the back of the ship turning towards the front. Kansas turned around with wide eyes.

"You speak Groot?" Rocket said turning around to face Thor.

"Yes, they taught it on Asgard. It was an elective" Thor says casually

"That sounds cool" Kansas said walking to a side of the ship deciding to try and figure out who those boys were that she saw earlier and decided to make another ice sculpture. she was so focused on it that she didn't even realize that Rocket had gotten out of his chair to talk to Thor. Until something he said broke her out of her thoughts.

"Who is that" Thor asked Kansas pointing at the sculpture she made.

"Oh yeah that's the thing, I don't know" Kansas said shrugging.

"Well I have an idea of who they are" Thor says with a smile. making Kansas tilt her head confused.

"That one on the left, that's Valek, one of the bravest fighters out their but has his weaknesses. He has the abilities to time jump and make forcefields but can't stand green tea" Thor said pointing at Valek with a smile.

"On the right that's Lucas, one of the smartest people out their but would never admit it. He has electricity power, he has a sister the only family he has left and he loves her more then anything" Thor says pointing the curly haired boy his smile still on his face but as he move to the boy in the middle his smile kind of flattered and Kansas saw it.

"And here in the middle is Lyiam. Lyiam is one of the most straight up person out their but knows when to not be straight up and comfort someone. He also has the power of electricity. He never knew his father and hates the man with his guts. Lyiam was always there for me, He is the only family I have left" with that Thors smile was completely wiped off his face and was replaced with a look of sorrow. Kansas gave him a hug which he smiled as thanks and she nodded.

"These 3 were always close and were trouble but throw Achilles in the mixture and these boys were very much trouble but thank god for the girls Athena, Riley, and Ophelia. They sometimes kept the boys out trouble but their were a couple of times where they would all get in trouble together. They grew up too fast" Thor continues remembering the young kids who used to sneak up to the kitchen in Avengers tower and steal food just to sneak it to the living room to watch a movie and all pass out on top of each other. Now they were young adults fighting in a battle of life or death. They weren't the 15 year old kids that he met anymore.

"Wow they sound amazing" Kansas said with a small smile, tears pricking her eyes, she quickly did something to the sculpture to make it turn into a sliver metal.

"Here" she says passing it to Thor.

"What ever for" Thor asks taking it from the young girl.

"To remind you that you aren't alone" she says with a smile and he thanks her. He then went to his seat in the front of the ship.

"Of fate does want you to kill that crapsack you're gonna need more then one stupid eyeball" Rocket says turning in his seat to give Thor the eye ball.

"What's this" Thor says

"What's it look like? Some jerk lost a bet with me in Contraxia" Rocket shoots back.

"He gave you his eye" Thor questions. Kansas rolled her eyes knowing how he got the eye.

"No, he gave me a 100 credits. I snuck into his room later that night and stole his eye" Rocket finished turning around to steer the ship.

"Thank you, sweet rabbit" Thor says making Kansas smile until Thor put the eye in his socket right then and their which grossed her out.

"I would've washed that" Kansas says turning around in her seat.

"The only way I could sneak it off Contraxia was up my" Rocket started but got cut off by the alarm blaring signaling that they were there.

"I don't think this thing works. Everything seems dark" Thor says getting up from his seat.

"It ain't the eye" Rocket says as they all, even Groot who looked up from his video games, leaned forward to see if they could see anything as Rocket went around a rock.

"Somethings wrong" Thor says making Kansas furrow her eyebrows.

hi loves!! sorry for the wait and short chapter, my disney+ had expired and i had to wait for my mom to renew it and while watching the part where Thor and them are getting his new weapon i didnt really get to throw a lot of dialogue for Kansas so i felt it wasn't necessary so instead i gave her the little moment with Thor which made me cry and update about the flashback chapter i decided that instead of a chapter why not a book so when i finish endgame their will most likely be a prequal for that and speaking of endgame since i realized that most of the oc's won't make an appearance since the will be apart of the fallen so that far from home will officially happen and it will be more about them than the ones who survived the blip so kinda equal screen time ya know? Also im officially on spring break which mean more updates!! anyways thats it for today remember to eat and drink water!!!


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