Chapter twenty - The Meeting pt. 3

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~Live POV 

"You've all grown up so fast, it feels like yesterday when you all first entered the great hall, well Live it was yesterday!" Slughorn bust into laughter, he had clearly been on the sherry. "Oh I haven't introduced her to you yet, everyone this is Live 'hick' Robinson, she's an incredible potions master, you know she even beat Tom" he raised a fat finger pointing at Tom who had a fake smile plastered on his face. I could tell this anger him a lot. "Live how about you tell them a bit about your self?"

 "Um my name is Live Alexandra Robinson, I'm sixteen and I've been home schooled my entire life so excuse me if my social skills aren't up to scratch" 

"we know who you are, your the girl who did the thing at the sorting" one of the raven claws piped up. 

"Well now that your all acquainted 'hick' I want to ask you all how your summers went? Tom how about you?" The tables eyes all darted towards Tom. 

"You know Professor mainly reading, saying hello to all my friends at the orphanage" 

"I presume they were all happy to see you" he nodded, not wanted to answer anymore personal questions. The idea of the orphanage hurt him, I could tell. 

"How about relationships? Your all practically adults now. Grace how are you and Troy doing? Still strong I hope." He looked at the shy Hufflepuff girl who sat next to Tom, her checks lit up and she nodded. "Yes Professor, Troy and I actually spent the summer together"

 "well that's nice to hear, and what about you Tom? Your a very attractive man and I've heard many girls talking about you, anything interesting or should I say anyone?" Tom began chocking on his drink at the mention of his love life. "No, no Professor as I've always said education first" this time I heard Avery scuff at his comment which only peaked Slughorns curiosity.

 "Are you sure Tom, Mr Avery seems to disagree?" Avery sent a smug smirk Toms way, he knew he would get punished after the meeting but while Slughorn was in the room Tom was powerless. Averys gaze then swiftly met mine giving me the same look. 

"Oh, well if you'd only told me it was a secret my boy, I wouldn't have asked, but for the record I think you and Live would make an amazing couple" this time me and Tom both spat out the content of our mouths. We gazed at each other for a split second before both bursting in to a fit of laughter. 

"Oh no Professor Tom is only my friend" 

"and Live mine" the table stared joking around while Slughorn Continued round the table asking certain students very personal questions. 

"Gwenever my dear, how's the family doing?" The slender brunette raised her head to meet the fat mans eyes "all's well professor, brothers are starting their new jobs soon so we are all can't wait to have a quiet weekend, though mother is sad their leaving" Sono was a language expert for the ministry and Arthur was an Auror. I know this because they were the few British agents that we had planted in the ministry, to gain inside information.

 "I remember teaching both your brothers is Doesn't seem that long ago but it's been almost 3 years since I've seen Arthur and 2 since I've seen Sono, I do wish they would write to me some times, just a small checkup here and there would be nice, 'hick' you all promise to write to me when you leave" his eyes filled with tears, it was shocking how lonely this jolly old man was.

 "Of course Professor" Pam said raising her glass to her lips. 

"Thank you, your all are really the nicest bunch of students I've met yet" Slughorn raised his half empty Sherry bottle in the air, "To Friendship" He chimed as everyone raised their glasses. 

"To friendship" Tom mouthed, pretending to be interested. But instead his eyes were on mine, burning holes through my head. Sometimes I would look up just to see his eyes glued on me. He never moved his gaze, he never blushed, just stared at me and when ever I'd catch him we would stay like that until we were dragged of into another unwanted conversation. But I would always end up meeting his gaze again. Some part of me hated the fact I was fascinated with him, the other only wanted to stare at him longer.

The night went on and on. Slughorn asking question after question while taking large gulps from his Sherry bottle every few minutes. I never really drank alcohol but I'm sure your not supposed to drink this much that quickly. Toms eyes would continently meet mine only to be pointed out by Pam or Avery with a snarky comment about just 'getting on with it'. 

Soon the feast ended each persons belly's were filled to the brim and couldn't wait to go to sleep. "Thank you all for coming it was lovely catching up with you all, same thing next week?" Each person nodded then Slowly began rising from their chairs. I bid a due to The Professor and the rest of the slug cult. Pam and the knights waved good bye to the rest of the room then we made our ways down to the Slytherin common room. I insisted Pam come with us because Alexa and Janelle were going to be waiting to hear all about our night. 

"You seriously think their going to stay up this late waiting for you?" Nott said making his way next to Pam who my I add, he had been talking to all night. 

"I'll be surprised what Alexa will do" Pam said.

 "Thought I presume Janelle's snoring her head off" I added. Tom had stayed very quite on the walk back, like he was listening for something. 

Then I heard it. 

The quick shuffle of feet running across the floor. "Shhh I think someone's here" I snapped causing everyone to pull out their wands in fear. "Are you sure Live?" 

"Yes I'm sure! Now be quite" I listen more closely but before I could utter a word Tom spoke. 

"It's coming from over there" he pointed his yew wand at an arched hallways leading to some where in this castle. "Lumos" Malfoy whispered, with that his wand tip ignited showing a bare corridor. 

Even though there was nothing to be seen. 

All could be heard. 

The tip tap of shoes echoed down the corridors. Nott stepped in front of Pam to shield her from what ever it was that was coming. 

But instead she turned to me. 

I had not got my wand out as I preferred to use wandless in this situations. I gave her a reassuring nodded and she also ignite her wand tip. 

Pam and I pushed past all the boys who were frozen in their spots and began to walk down the dark corridor. Pam followed close behind it was clear she was scared. Tom wasn't far from me either but he moved much slower and much more cautiously then me.

 As I strode down the corridors waking up annoyed painting, the steps began to get louder and louder. I was not scared but curious it was not the first time I've walked down dark tunnels. Their were no voices just the clips of heels hitting stone. I was reaching the end of the corridor, I looked back to see Pam was frozen half way in. Tom by her side. The light of the wand tips began to fade merging the shadows together. I was in complete darkness. 




 I had turned round the corner to collide with the students.

 "What's the fuck! Live! Is that you" Alexa said trying to find her wand that was somewhere on the floor. 

"Where the fuck did he go?" Janelle asked bending over to help Alexa get up. 


"Theo Wright!"


Well, Well, Well, what's happened here?

Pls leave you theory's in the comments I would love know what you think will happen next.

Hope you all have a great day and stay safe.


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