Chapter 1: Rejection

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Hello!! Thank you so much for opening this book, and giving me the chance to share you this story :> If you're reading this and has been waiting for Chapter One since the Prologue's release, thank you so much!! I promise you, I'll do my best!

Ps. Note for new readers, if you skipped Prologue, please read it so you don't get confused while reading this chapter :)
Pps. Errors might be encountered.

Happy reading!♡



It all started a year ago.

I was living a life like normal teenage girls do; going to school, bonding with my few friends, had so many crushes, fangirling over my favorite band, breaking rules, and so many others.

As the only child of Heartfilias, I was pampered. Maybe many of you think that I was so lucky. I could get whatever I want, I could buy everything that caught my interest, and such. You probably wished you're in my shoe...

Please don't. You'd only realize that it's better to have an average living with a loving family, than having luxuries but missing the warmth of what we call home...

...that it felt the best having someone supporting you all through your journey, than getting things that would sure give you happiness but last only for a short moment.

Everything was nothing to me at first. I understand that parents could be busy sometimes and are normally strict for the sake of their child, but when that day came, I realized that some could even go to some extent like controlling a life just for the sake of their wealth...

"Lucy, are you still in good terms with Sting?" Papa asked one day as I stood in front of his table.

It was one of those rare occasions where he would ask for my presence in his office, so I thought maybe we'd talk about something important. But now, he's asking about my relationship with Sting?

With confused stare at his out of the blue question, I only nodded.

"Good. You better get along with him more often like long time ago," he leaned against his recliner's backrest and opened his laptop, a sign that he's done his business with me. "You two will be married soon."

He said it like it was a simple request--no, a command, to do. I was stunned. I only stared at him with wide eyes as if he'd grown a mushroom in his head, and felt my heart clenching painfully like he's squeezing it with his own hand.

My own father was hurting me. He loves hurting my feelings, it's nothing new.

But this time, he just pushed it to another level.


"Leave." From his screen, his eyes looked at me like I was just some other things he could see around him. Had no value, not worthy of his mercy.

"B-But it is my marriage we're talking about! I... I can't just--"

"Didn't you hear me, Lucy? I said leave. I have more important things to do than dealing with your tantrums."

More important things? Tantrums? My lips formed a grim line as I stared at him in disbelief. My mind was suddenly in chaos, and my emotions were all over the place. The disappointment, anger, sadness, and everything were all clashing in my chest.

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