Chapter 10: Heartache

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Dear Mama,

Tears kept on falling from my eyes, droplets were staining the clean sheet of paper that made me wipe my face with my arm. But it just continued on forming, trailing down my cheeks as a symbol of the strange pain I was going through right now.

With heavy and racing heart, I closed my eyes as I breathed deeply, trying so hard to calm myself but the memories just couldn't stop from replaying in my head. Calm down, Lucy. They might hear you...

Lips were trembling, eyes stung for another wave of tears, I looked over my shoulder to glance at the room's closed door.

I doubt she'd be back here when she insisted to... Ugh, damn it, Lucy. Just forget about them! I stared at the paper in front of me, lighted by the small lamp while the whole room was covered by darkness. Swallowing hard, my hand moved to form words.

How have you been? I hope you're doing well. I'm sorry I wrote you this kind of letter, but you're the only one whom I can share my heartache with.

I brought my free hand up and used the back of my hand to wipe the warm liquid on my chin as I sniffled.

Everything was fine between us. Yesterday, he was sick and I did my best to take care of him. I had thought we had somewhat crossed a boundary that brought us much closer. I was happy.

But it had never crossed my mind that that little feeling would be replaced by something I couldn't understand that started swarming in my chest. The feeling of lost, sadness, betrayal... It's so sudden.

Just why did it end up this way?

"I told you, you should've stayed at home," I scolded while opening the bottle of water for him. He'd just gotten better from his fever, and he still needed more rest for full recovery. Duh, it was just last night! But he insisted to come to school today.

"I can't. This semester's final project will be announced today. And I heard it'll be a group project," he smiled, thumb was massaging his temple. Yesterday, the sky was covered by dark clouds but today, it was as clear as the crystal and the sun was on its all glory.

"Ugh, fine. Just don't overwork yourself."

As we reached the front gate, I blinked in shock when Lisanna appeared and jumped to Natsu for a tight hug. I stepped back, silently questioning the sudden clenching of my heart as I watched Natsu's hands settle on her waist.

"I'm glad you're fine!" She exclaimed, pulling herself away as her eyes landed on me. "Good afternoon, Lucy!"

"Y-Yeah, good afternoon..."

She smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry I snapped on you last night. It's just, you two were really an idiot."

"You what?"

She giggled at Natsu's reaction and the widening of my eyes. "Both of you got me really worried, you know? Lucy went missing, while you couldn't calm yourself and chose to be stupid. Tsk."

"Lucy!!" We both turned our heads when we heard Loke's cheerful voice. He was running towards our direction, a sandwich was on his hand. "Hi!"

"Yo, Loke!" Lisanna waved her hand, while the other was still wrapped around Natsu's arm. Gritting my teeth, I looked away and just pretended that I was watching the students entering the gate, even if the feel of Natsu's stares kept on pulling back my attention.

Loke said something to them that I didn't hear, or maybe, I really didn't want to understand. For some reason, there's a part of me that just wanted to leave without saying anything. But that would be rude, right?

I Married the Runaway Bride💍[ NaLu ]Where stories live. Discover now