Chapter 27: Files

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"Welcome home, me!!!" Cana exclaimed the moment she stepped a foot at the solid ground. I bowed my head in embarrassment when the people around us started throwing us weird glances. Geez... "Ah! Fiore's air... I missed you so much!"

"Please, Cana, let's go. You're getting on the way!" I grabbed her arm and dragged her to the corner. Brandish followed us silently, busy looking around with her sunglasses on. Tss. I don't even know why she needed to follow me here...!

"Oh, sorry..."

"We'll be picked up by our butler. How about you?" I looked at my wristwatch. It's already eleven in the morning, and Papa said that Capricorn would be already outside the airport by the time of our arrival.

"My friend. She's probably here already," she removed her coat and grabbed her phone from its pocket, while I led the way as I dragged my luggage with me. "Oh, wait. Let me give her a call as we walk."

Brandish then suddenly stood next to me, and draped her heavy arm around my shoulders. This woman... Since we landed, she started acting weird! And wait, let me tell you that she had even insisted to live with me! I mean, can't she just rent a hotel, condo, or something? It's not like we'll stay here for so long!

I've decided to go right back at Giltina once the project finished.

"Brandish, I'm very thankful for having you as my very loyal assistant," I started, trying to remove her arm from me. "But don't you have plan"

How do I say it without offending her? Not that I don't want her around me, but it's just... I feel like she's so dedicated in her work that she couldn't have some fun for herself.

We're always together to the point that I started imagining us changing faces. Gah.

"You see, you have your personal life, too. You don't have to follow me wherever I go--"

"But my job is to follow you wherever you go," she cut me off, voice was dripping with boredom. Wait, what? She raised an eyebrow, the sharpness of her eyes was piercing through her shades right into me. "Just in case you need my help, you don't need to call and wait for me. That's what I meant."

Ugh... "I'm not a kid!! I can handle myself alone, okay?! Tch!"

"Ah, really?" She smirked before looking around. Then she suddenly let go of me and put her hands in her pocket, getting her phone. "I'll just go to restroom. Wait me outside."

"Huh?!" I watched her walk away. Restroom, she says? But she was heading on the opposite direction of where the restroom actually was. My eyes narrowed suspiciously. Where are you going, Brandish?

"My friend is still on her way..." Cana's voice caught my attention. "Oh? Where's that bitch of an assistant of yours?"

And she had a bad blood for Brandish. They're always on their throats whenever seeing each other. I'm just so thankful that they're acting like strangers since we arrived here, giving me a peaceful atmosphere.

"She's taking care of something..." I wonder what's that something.

When we exited the airport, Cana quickly bid her goodbyes as she still needed to buy a local beverages on the near convenience store before going home, tss.

When she vanished from my sight, I looked around to find Capricorn. But I couldn't see a shadow of him. What, he's late? But that word wasn't included in his vocabulary...


I blinked rapidly after hearing that familiar voice, coming from across the road. There, Sting Eucliffe was waving at me with a huge grin on his face. Eh?!!! What is he doing here?! It's been so long!!

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