Chapter 23: Papers

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"How are you feeling?"

Grandine's voice echoed in my ears the second I opened my eyes. It stared at a tall ceiling, a small chandelier hanging at the very middle was the proof that I woke up in a room far different from where I had been used to greet another morning.

It was cramped but warm, unlike this place that very spacious but cold. I don't want here... I never wanted to be here.

"T-Terrible..." I managed to reply through the roughness of my throat. Even if Grandine reached for the glass of water for me, my body felt so heavy that I couldn't seem to move even a little. My head was also aching, eyes felt so swollen.

Remained staring at nowhere, I heard her sigh as she continued wrapping a bandage around my arm.

"What happened to this wound, Lucy?"

"Accident." A lie. Once Papa learned about it, he'd blame Natsu. He'd only have another reason to part us away...

Closing my eyes, I forced myself to sit up. Grandine handed me the water that instantly ease the dryness of my throat. I stared down at my hand clenching the sheets, questions couldn't stop running in my head.

"Grandine-san..." But there's only one I badly wanted an answer as of the moment. "How's Natsu?"

My eyebrows furrowed when she didn't respond, making me give her a glance through the messy strands of my hair on the side of my face. She looked away, busied herself fixing the medicine kit.

"I think you should--"

"How's Natsu?"

"Lucy, it's better if--"

"How is he?" I squinted my eyes as I watched her intently. She swallowed, hard enough for me to see. Her eyes softened, sympathy as strong as what I'd seen last night played in them. My heart ached. Words has not been freed yet, but a part of me already knew the answer.

"N-No one knows where he's gone..." It was a whisper, but the silence was enough for me to hear it clearly. I stared at the closed door, lips in a grim line. "His friends were searching for him when I visited his house. I don't have any news since then."

How could I escape from here? He needs me... I have to find him...

"Lucy, if I were you, I'd obey my father's orders if I wanted to make things better. Once you fight back, he'd only have a strong reason to imprison you."

"But Grandine-san..." My voice was unbelievably soft, tears remained missing despite the torture in my chest. It's like I've gone numb physically with my soul still crying inside. I don't understand... "My husband is alone out there. I need to go home. I want to go home."

"I know," she held my hand, giving it a soft squeeze. "I really wanted to help you, but I can't do anything. I've already tried talking to Jude about this, but he had his ears closed. I'm sorry--"

Knock knock! We glanced at the door, hearing it open as one of the guards appeared. "You have to leave the room now, Ms. Grandine."

I felt like I was a real prisoner...

Heaving out a sigh, Grandine slowly stood up and gave me an apologetic gaze. I only stared at her, have no strength to return her small smile. She patted my head, soon running her hand softly to my locks, and tucked some strands behind my ear.

"Be strong, Lucy," she stepped back, bowing a little and walked towards the door. Before she left the room, she looked at me over her shoulder. "Wendy wants to visit you. I'll bring her here later."

The door closed again, leaving me all alone. Passing through the window's curtain, the sun was brightly up and cascaded across the floor. Last night, I had tried searching for any ways to get out of my room. But I was too high from the ground, plus my veranda was also locked so I couldn't reach a wide range of sight of the place.

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