Chapter 29: Kicked Out

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"Ugh! Get out of my head for once, Natsu, will you?!" When the traffic light turned red, I buried my face on the steering wheel and closed my eyes. It's already eight in the evening, and all I did the whole day was fix everything in my office and finish some paperworks with that guy running around in my head nonstop.

And I doubt he'd leave me alone soon, so I was thankful when Cana invited me for a nightout as my distraction. Although it's just a simple partying in their bar. Even so, that's enough for me to be occupied! Or maybe talking it out with her would be the way to forget it... I hope.

I stepped on the accelerator when the lights turned green.

Brandish refused to go with me tonight since she had something to work on according to her, so I let her go. It's a bit strange, though. She's always with me that it didn't feel right not having her around. Sheesh, sometimes I couldn't understand myself! I wanted her to have some time for herself, but now that she took the chance...ugh.

Maybe it's really like that when you'd grown to someone's presence.

I remember that's what I also felt during my first months in Giltina. That could even be the worse. I was always looking for his presence...

When I arrived at the said bar, I immediately found Cana probably waiting for me near the entrance of the establishment. After getting my phone and wallet, I stepped out of the car and called for her attention.

"What took you so long?!" was her greetings!

I rolled my eyes. "What's the rush? It's only seven!"

"Whatever. Let's go! I'm excited for you to meet them!" Cana suddenly grabbed my wrist and dragged me inside. Ah, yeah. She said she'll introduce me to her childhood friends. At first I was against it, because duh! With all those years being too much guarded, I forgot how to blend in the crowd! I'm afraid I'd act awkward around them!

We pushed our way through the pool of people, loud beats of music filled my ears. I just let Cana lead the way as I couldn't focus my vision properly because of the sudden darkness. Geez, those moving neon lights were making me dizzy!

"Hey, we're here!!"

Suddenly, my eyes met with a pair of dark blue orbs and sharp brown ones that were now as wide as mine, shock was written all over their face that I was so sure I mirrored.

"She's the one I was telling you, guys! I met her in Draseal, she's Lucy Heartfilia!" Cana, who seemed not hinting anything, continued her introduction. "And Lucy, these are Erza Scarlet and Mirajane Strauss, my childhood friends."

Isn't the world too small?!!!

"U-Uh..." What should I do?! Should I act like a stranger?! Or maybe I should reveal it to Cana? But telling it to her this sudden would make everything more chaotic! Knowing her...

"It's nice to see you, Lucy." My eyes blinked when Erza stretched out her hand for a handshake. Her face remained serious, but a smile was displayed on her lips. I took a gulp when Mira followed, her eyes were sparkling suspiciously. Ugh... She's into something again.

After seconds of deciding whether to go with their act or just drop everything like a bomb, I figured choosing the former would be for the better.

"It's nice to see you, too..." Err.

"Alright, girls! Just wait here and I'll get our drinks myself! You two!" Cana pointed them, "Don't bully Lucy, okay?!" Then she excused herself, leaving me all alone with these two monsters ready to devour me. Erza tapped the space between them without saying anything, while Mira put her arm on the backrest and being too territorial.

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