Chapter 19: Turned Over

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Everything happened so fast. The other day, we're just enjoying our date. The next, problems had come upon us. No one saw it coming, and I wished I had.

I looked down at the blank page of my notebook, hearing Ms. Aquarius teaching in front with her strict and loud voice, demanding for everyone's attention. You see, classes are back for the last semester. And I'm here listening like a good student, but I couldn't participate in written activities because of my injury.

I wonder when it would heal completely? Would it leave a scar?

I don't mind having it, though. However, the scars...

It reminds us the things we want to forget the most. It's the symbol that we'd been hurt, that we'd suffered; be it physically, emotionally, psychologically... It's all the same. We felt pain that only differs in intensity...

I glanced at the window, seeing the sky so clear and bright. The wind was tamed, too, blowing cool breeze that could relax anyone. Everything's so peaceful...

So this is what they call rainbow after the rain, huh.

It's only been three days since the incident. It's fresh, so surreal that it felt like it only happened yesterday. It's normal to still feel the terror of it, right? Though I can't let myself dwell on it. It's done, and now in the past. Like what I usually do, I have to move forward and never look back, all the while making sure that I learned something from it...


My eyes blinked as I looked up at the girl standing in front of me. Her lips formed a small smile, sadness still lingering in her eyes. She handed me a granola bar.

"T-Thank you, Aries."

"You're welcome," she giggled and took a seat on my left side before burying her face on the desk... Loke's table.

Biting my lip, I stared down at the food on my hand as my chest clenched tightly.

Loke...quit school. It's not because he wanted it, but because he didn't have a choice. He's in a comatose state. And his parents decided to bring him abroad for advanced medication, according to Ms. Bisca's announcement earlier.

He couldn't wake up because of trauma to something he never deserved.

So when the news of Dan Straight and his friends being expelled from Fairy Tail spread throughout the campus, it brought relief through me, and to some students as well, but...

"Lu-chan," Levy gently tugged at the ends of my hair from the back. I looked at her over my shoulder, her flashing a bright smile at me. "Are you okay now?"

"Uh, yeah..." I blinked at her when she sighed in relief, her face softening. I gave her a smile in assurance.

When Levy and Juvia learned about it, I swear, I thought there would be a hell on earth. They're so worried and angry about it. Of course, who wouldn't be, anyway? If something like this happened to any of my friends, I'd feel horrible, too...

Suddenly, Loke's bruised face flashed in my head. His weak smile, and the apology present in his eyes were all haunting me.

I'd feel horrible, too, but I guess I'm too weak to do anything about it.

"By the way, Lu-chan," Levy's voice thankfully saved me from my thoughts. "Where did you go yesterday? We went to your house to visit you, but Natsu said you're out..."

"Ah..." I scartched the back of my head as I smiled. "Lisanna took me out on a girly date."


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