Chapter 8: Visitor

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I looked out of the window, cheek was planted on my palm as I stared at the darkness of the afternoon sky. My attention was only brought back to reality when I saw Loke stood up from my peripheral and began sharing his basic knowledge about our current topic.

He talked so smooth, like he had already read the full book and understand the contents that easy. No wonder why everybody was calling him nerd, bookworm, or whatsoever. He was intelligent but shy. However, when it comes to class discussion and recitation, he was in his highest gear.

I've been hanging out with him since that day, arising some rumors from my classmates. They thought we're dating, which was really impossible since Loke was like the type of person who loved being with his book for whole day than be in a relationship.

Besides, I already have a husband...

And he's mad at me now.

Since the incident earlier in his bedroom, he did not talk to me again. I was like an air that he couldn't see, and it hurts. I knew that what I have done was wrong, since he had already stated it on his house rules, but it's not like I really intended to see what's inside that box. It's all an accident.

But it's still my fault, I guess. I should have just ignored it in the first place. Natsu wouldn't have been ignoring me like this...

Just remembering our awkward walk to school earlier was enough to put another weight in my chest. It's so hard to breathe.

"Lucy. Lucy, yuhoo!" I blinked rapidly as I stared at a hand waving in front of my face. Despite his spectacles, I could see the worry in Loke's eyes. "What's wrong with you? You're acting like a robot!"

"W-Where's Ms. Ultear?" My eyes wandered to look for her, but she's already nowhere to be found. I've also noticed that only few of our classmates were left with us.

"Duh. It's already break time!"

Haaah?!! Don't tell me I spaced out in my first three subjects?! I slapped my forehead in disbelief. You're a legend, Lucy! You managed to not get caught!

"Let's go!" Loke grabbed his bag. But instead to follow him, I remained sitting on my seat with hesitant smile.

"U-Uh, I'll just stay here. I've eaten plenty earlier before I left the house." A huge lie, of course. I just don't want to face Natsu as long as my guilt was still at its one hundred percent. And I'm also doing him a favor. I bet he didn't want to see me as well...

"What? What if your cousin would look for you?"

No, he surely won't. "Just tell him I took a nap."

Hesitation was still plastered on his face when he left the classroom. But the fact that he still did what I wanted made me sigh in relief as I planted my forehead on my table, closing my eyes. However, my plan to clear my head had been rudely ripped off of me when I heard the sound of a chair being dragged towards my direction.

"Yo, Lu-nyan."


I only stared at Dan, gritting my teeth at the usual annoying smirk plastered on his lips. But unlike our last time encounter, he seemed calm now and less aggressive. After that day, I noticed that he took a rest from being a jerk as Loke had been living a peaceful life, so as me.

But I guess there's really no such thing as forever. How sad.

"What do you want?"

He raised an eyebrow, smirk growing wider as he leaned a bit closer. "Nothing so important. I just want to ask few things from you since the mystery has been bothering me lately."

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