Chapter 34: Farewell

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The rain was so heavy. Its splatter rang through my ears, along with my sobs as I watched his coffin slowly go down deep the ground. I wiped my tears that kept on falling. This hurt... It just broke my heart into pieces.

My friends looked at my direction. Some of them had tearful eyes, while the rest were giggling. And a certain someone heaved out a sigh.

"Will you please stop crying, Luce?"

I turned to face him, nearing a slice of apple on his lips. "I'm sorry! H-He's just really my favorite character! Huhu!"

"Natsu-san is just jealous of him, Lucy," Juvia said, sitting on the couch while wiping her own tears. I sniffled, cutting another slice of apple.

"I know, right?"

"Oh, Natsu! Lucy is crying for another man! Have some booze to mend your broken heart!" Cana laughed, a bottle of booze in her hand. I don't know how she managed to sneak that here in the hospital, and I have no intention to know. Knowing her, she might have done something that should be forever kept as a secret.


My eyes went back on the television, the sight of credits rolling in the screen just made my heart ache more. What the heck? The lead man died and they even left the viewers in an open ending!!!

"Is Erza already on her way, Jellal?" I heard Mira ask to the man sitting on the other couch. He has a weird tattoo on the right side of his face, adding to his cool yet dark appearance. I've never seen him smile. He's scary.

"Yeah. I've already received a message from her."

Maybe he's the one Mira had once mentioned when we met in Cana's bar? The ruthless businessman Erza has fallen in love with? As far as I know, he's also the engineer who will be in charge with our project, and the one who recommended Natsu to Papa. Engr. Fernandes, is it?

"He's my senior architect," Natsu whispered to me, probably noticed me staring at Jellal. "He's a double-profession businessman."


Knock knock!

Our head snapped to the door's direction as it opened, revealing Gray Fullbuster in his corporate attire with a basket of fruits and bag of take-out foods in hand. His eyes landed at Natsu, a smirk of sarcasm formed on his lips.

"Oh, you're still alive? Congrats, dude." What a great greeting.

"Fuck you."

This is the first time they met since Natsu woke up, and that's how they'd greet each other? Really.

"Hey, can you please get out of the way, Mr. Fullbuster?" Another voice from the outside interrupted us, Levy's blue hair was what all I could see over Gray's shoulder.

"Oh, shrimp? I didn't know you're here. You're so small I didn't see you."

"Who are you, Gajeel?! Tch!" Levy pushed Gray aside, letting herself in. "My husband is the only one who can call me shrimp, okay? Next time, I'll kick your balls!"

I giggled at Levy's threat, especially at the obvious irritation in her voice. She'd even rolled her eyes as she flipped her hair. Well, I already knew the reason why she's acting like that. From the corner of my eyes, I witnessed how Juvia turned into a statue when Gray's eyes found her.

Heh. Talk about awkward.

And oh. I'm so familiar of that feeling.

Levy then looked at Natsu after putting down a box of pizza on the table. "Gajeel will follow. He just have to get some documents in the office."

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