chapter 15

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When Lily asked what I did when she was gone, I paraphrased it with boys ugh. She nodded understanding, and asked me if I wanted to go out on the quidditch field and drink a bottle of fire whiskey. I felt like I could kiss her.

That’s where we were now, laying down on the field giggling. “Lily flower, dance with me,” I said, kicking off my shoes pulling the girl up. Holding both of her hands and spinning around. My feet were getting muddy and cold but I didn’t care as we danced. I spun Lily around, as the skies opened up.

“I’m a prefect, I shouldn’t be doing this,” Lily whispered yelled, as curfew struck and we were still outside. “Just drink some more fire whiskey, you’ll forget all about being a prefect, you might even let your bloody potty mouth loose in front of the first years,” I said, wiggling my fingers in front of her face.

I was soaked to the bone from rain, before I even thought about going back inside with Lily. I felt for my wand in my coat, and cast a drying charm on us shielding us from the rain  and cold.

As we slowly made our way back to the castle, I took a moment to look up at the full-moon in the sky. It was like a milky white balloon in the sky, Lily explained. I felt like quoting Isla; The moon is a yellow button on a long, black coat.

I heard a howl echo from the forest. Running in the opposite direction, was the first thing that came to mind. “Lils, we should get back to the castle,” I said eyeing, the forest. I was sure that’s where the sound came from. Lily nodded and both of us rushed to the castle, our drunkenness wasn’t as cloudy on our minds anymore.

We got back inside and were immediately caught by the greasy indoor caretaker and his scruffy ginger cat. The man wanted to give both of us detention, but I felt bad for keeping Lily out past curfew. “No, preEefect Lily caught me sneaking out and ca-caught me,”my drunkenness slurring my speech. The man did not believe our story but couldn’t do much to Lily so he said “Well here is an official detention slip, Merlin I miss the days when students would get more than a detention for reeking havoc. Now both of you back to your house as you students have nothing else important to do,”

When we got past the hearing distance of the man Lily whispered, “Iris, why did you do that,” a sing-songy tone in her voice. 

“Because you’re going to let me use the prefect bathroom,” I said, coming up with the payment method on the spot.

When we got back to Gryffindor I checked the date on the slip and let out a huff, Merlin detentions are boring and this was my first time getting caught. Lily went up to bed much more tired than I, agreeing to my terms about the bathroom.

I sat down on the Gryffindor sofa, rubbing my eyes. I was buzzed and I didn’t feel tired, I didn’t feel the need to sleep. I thought back to the howl I heard, it wasn’t from a normal wolf. Would Dumbledore let a werewolf come to Hogwarts? I thought. With a wolfsbane potion the wolf can remain entirely in control of its actions under the infliction; so why not. Who could be a werewolf?

I felt my eyelids become heavy, I wanted to stay up. I needed to think longer on this. My mind went to my scars, whoever they were they’d have to have scars. My brain was fuzzy. I couldn’t think about any of this properly. 

I once again felt my eyelids drop from tiredness, it was too late to go back up to my dorm, so I snuggled into the pillow. And curled up, ignoring as my wound hissed. I wondered when I wouldn’t feel the wound hiss and screech when I move too much, before falling asleep.

I woke up the next day with a blanket on me, it was still dark when I checked the window but I knew why I had woken up when I almost ruined the rug. I ran to the main bathroom on the bottom floor that could be used by anyone and vomited in the toilet. Merlin, I would not want to go in there for a while.

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