34. Jealous? Much

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Ash woke up when something wet running down his face. At first, he thought it was raining and the roof of the Pokemon Center was leaking, but as he turned his face slightly, he saw Serena's Yamper snoring with Serena's pillow in front of his face and drooling directly on his face.

Ash quickly got up to sit on the bed and wiped his drooled face with his hand in disgust. Serena's Yamper, on the other hand, rolled from pillow to bed and continued his dreams without waking up. Ash looked at it a little irritated and then he looked at his hands, which were now wet and sticky from Yamper's drool. "Gross," he mumbled and stood up.

He almost stumbled his backpack next to the bed. He staggered along with the room and hit the clock on his bedside table on the floor, slamming his toe sorely into the corner of the bed. Finally, he stumbled upon a blanket that had fallen to the floor and found himself staring at the screen of a clock that had fallen to the floor.

It looked like 10.00 a.m. Ash stared at the numbers on the screen and felt a disgusting pain in his toe. Yamper's drool still flowed down his face and it made him rise from the floor.

He tore the blankets off his head and got up. He quickly stepped into the small bathroom in the room and washed his face in the sink. And when he was in it now, he decided to take a shower at the same time.

After a while, Ash came back to the room wrapped in his towel. He looked at the bed and only now realized that Serena was no longer in it. Instead, her Yamper had taken over most of the space for himself and slept in the middle of the bed with his paws upright. Ash assumed that Serena had woken up before him and had already gone to eat breakfast herself. He also didn't see Pikachu anywhere, so he also assumed he had gone with Serena.

Ash stepped across the room while taking his clothes from the armchair in the corner of the room. He had tossed them into it yesterday night when he came out of the shower. He sat on the edge of the bed and began to pull his pants to his feet. At the same time, his gaze hit directly on the window in front of him and the landscape glistening through the slit of its curtains.

He got up suddenly and stepped to the window. He tore the curtains in front of it and peeked out. Ballonlea didn't seem to brighten at all since yesterday and the same shimmering mushrooms were still shining in the yard. They made Ash remember yesterday and the memory made him smile.

He forgot to look out the window when there was a grunt behind him that made him wake up back to reality. He took his eyes off the mushrooms and turned to see where the grunt had come from. But all he saw was Serena's Yamper lying on his stomach on the bed and snoring.

Ash sighed and shook his head slightly. He stepped back to the bed and put the rest of his clothes on. He then grabbed his backpack from the floor, his belt from the armrest of that same armchair, and finally, left for breakfast.


The first thing Ash noticed was that the lobby of the Pokemon Center was much louder than yesterday. The cause quickly became clear; there were many more people in the lobby and one a loudly couple demanded compensation for something related to their Glameow.

Ash left the couple to Nurse Joy and set out to find his friends. To his delight, it was not very difficult to find them; they were again on those same couches as before. Ash saw Serena browsing Astra's sketchbook, Astra explaining something about her Gym match, and her Lucario listening to a little bored next to her, leaning in her paw. The Pokemon, on the other hand, ate their breakfast on the floor, all but Pancham and Gou's Scorbunny, who had started fighting about something. Skwovet was taking advance of it and eat Scorbunny's food with satisfaction. Gou nor Chloe, Ash noticed now, on the other hand, was nowhere to be seen and it confused Ash a little.

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