5. Turffield

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"Turffield, here we are!" Ash exclaimed and Pikachu on his shoulder also exclaimed, "Pika!" Serena and Gou glanced at each other and Serena giggled Ash for eternal, endless energy and Gou rolled his eyes.

They had eventually arrived at Turffield Town, a small rural village with lots of lowland land but few people. They walked along its sandy, not-so-wide streets and looked around.

The village was clearly quiet, as hardly anyone came to meet them as they walked down the road. "Does anyone even live here?" Gou asked confused and Serena picked up her Rotom Phone and did a quick search. "Yes, but maybe this time of day is just quieter," she said and Ash blinked from side to side. "Right, but where do I find the Gym of this village," he said impatiently and Serena sighed.

Suddenly he stopped. "Pokemon Center, we're going to ask Nurse Joy for advice," he exclaimed and stepped inside. "Ash, wait for us too!" Serena exclaimed and went after him, Gou running on her heels.

"Hello, how can I help?" Nurse Joy asked happily and Ash replied, "Where can I find Gym?" "It's right here, but the Gym Leader can be instead... Hey, where are you going now, I haven't finished yet!"

Nurse Joy exclaimed the end of the sentence, for Ash had turned abruptly and left without thank. Serena and Gou, who had come to him, sighed frustrated and regretful Serena said Nurse Joy: "I am sorry for Ash, he seems to be a little too impatient today"

Nurse Joy smiled sympathetically and said, "I understand, but I would have just told him that.."

Ash looked around. Serena and Gou came beside him and Serena said, "The Gym is over there," pointing close to a hill, and Ash set out to run towards it. "But Ash, the Gym Leader.." Serena began, but Gou shook his head. "Let him go, he'll notice it soon, though," he said and Serena sighed.

Ash finally found the Gym, and stepped inside. However, it seemed to be empty. "Hello, is anyone here?" he shouted and the young woman came to him. "Are you looking for Gym Leader Milo? He's not here right now, he has to take care of his herd," the woman explained and Ash frowned. "Take care of his herd?" he asked in wonder and the woman nodded. "You'll find him in the meadow next to the Gym," he explained, and Ash thanked her and went back out.

He blinked around and tried to understand what it meant to "take care of his herd" What herd? If he had a herd of Pokemon, couldn't they have been taken care of inside?

Ash shook his head and went for a walk towards the meadow, which he thought was what the woman had meant. He found that the meadow was surrounded by a wooden fence and that the meadow was not really a "meadow" but an area of ​​small, grassy boulders and a grassland.

Ash jumped over the fence, it was thankfully low, and found himself surrounded by white and fluffy Pokemon. They ate the grass in a contented look, and their peculiar, head-hanging, braid-like protrusions hit the ground almost as they ate. Ash took out his Rotom Phone and used it to scan one of the Pokemon.

"Wooloo, Sheep Pokemon and Normal-type. Wooloo live as a herd and mimic the actions of their Trainer or herd leader. They dislike conflict, and if they need to Escape from Enemies, they will simply roll away."

"Roll away?" Ash asked and suddenly he heard a shout of "Ash!" behind him and Wooloos looked up and suddenly left roll away very quickly. "Oh, so that it means", Ash said to himself.

Then he turned and saw Serena and Gou running towards him. They reached Ash, jumped over the fence and Gou looked at the Wooloos, whose was now little distance away, curiously. "What Pokemon are those?" he asked, but instead of Ash, the answer was given to them by an unknown voice.

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