37. Battles at the plain

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"Stupid twerp! You pay for that!" Jessie shouted angrily and nodded to James. "James, it's time. Morpeko has time to show how it's doing in the real battle."

"All right, Jessie," James said, picking up the Pokeball. He magnified it and threw it into the air. Then a small, Pikachu-like Pokemon appeared in front of him and again had as red eyes as yesterday.

Jessie looked at it smirking, and then said to Ash, "You probably know what time it is now?"

"Yeah," Ash said, turning his cap and there was the determined look on his face. "Let the battle begin"


After that, Team Rocket didn't wait long. "Morpeko, let's go!" shouted Jessie, pointing Ash to the Pikachu-like Pokemon. Upon hearing the order, Morpeko generated a strong electric shock, from which current was thrown everywhere.

One stream rushed towards Ash, and he had to rush into the ground for shelter. "Lucario, cover me! Greninja, Water Shuriken!" he shouted and the two Pokemon nodded.

Ash got up from the ground and set off to run towards Team Rocket. At the same time, Lucario avoided Morpeko's electric shocks by forming small Aura shields with his hands. Greninja, on the other hand, formed shurikens, which he threw towards Team Rocket, causing them to plunge aside.

Behind the hill, Serena watched as Ash rushed towards the battle, and she felt strange courage awaken inside her. I have to help him, she thought decisively and got up. "Braixen, Sylveon, let's go!" she exclaimed and rushed after Ash, the Pokemon behind her.

Serena ran along the grassy slope and dodged the electric shocks throwing by Morpeko. They hit the ground near her and left burnt spots in the grass. She tried not to pay too much attention to them and kept her gaze only tightly forward.

But then she suddenly felt her feet hit something hard that was among the hay and she fell to the ground. "Braixen!" exclaimed Braixen when she saw this and hurried to help her trainer. She held out her hand to Serena and was just helping her back up when she noticed something approaching from above.

It was again one of those electric currents from Morpeko and it was coming straight towards Serena and Braixen. Neither had time to dodge it, and it had hit them directly if Sylveon hadn't been there.

She ran in front of Serena and Braixen and formed a shining shield in front of them with her feelers. The electric shock hit it and disintegrated into small lightning bolts, but Serena and Braixen remained undamaged. As it passed, Sylveon lowered her feelers and the shield disappeared.

"Thank you, Sylveon," Serena said gratefully and Sylveon smiled and gently touched Serena's cheek with her feeler. Then Serena stood up and took another determined look on her face. "Come on, let's move on!" she said and the Pokemon nodded.

She continued down the slope until she finally got to the side of Ash. He quickly noticed Serena's arrival and said, "You should have stayed behind the hill"

"And stay out of all the fun? No way, won't work," she said with a smile and Ash noticed that her blue eyes twinkled a little mischievously. It made him smile, too, and he said, "Well, then you can help me beat that creature. It's a little tricky to do anything here when you have to dodge those electric shocks all the time."

As a guarantee of their words, they again had to jump out of the way of one electric shock. As she got up from the ground again, Serena noticed that Team Rocket was nowhere to be seen and it made her a little confused.

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