26. Lake

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When Serena woke up in the morning, she didn't remember for a moment where she was. Then she happened to turn to her side, saw Ash sleeping soundly in bed next to her bed, and her mouth turned to smile as she remembered what had happened yesterday.

Serena turned back on her back and stared at the white roof of the Pokemon Center. It was very quiet, only the peaceful breathing of the sleepers in the room was heard. It made Serena feel calm and she got up to sit on her bed.

She glanced at the clock at the bedside table next to her bed and saw it look showed 5.30 am. She wondered what had made her wake up so early, but came up with nothing. She suppressed the yawn and threw the blanket off her. She could very well wake up now, she wouldn't get back sleep anymore.

She got up from her bed and felt a slightly rough carpet of the room under her bare toes. She shivered a little as the room was pretty cool and wrapped her arms around her to warm herself. Luckily, she was carrying a slightly thicker cardigan that would go with a dressing gown.

Putting it on, Serena happened to glance at the room's window, which was right next to Ash's bed. She saw between the curtains how the sun began to rise behind the rocky mountains that were a lot in Stow-on-Side, and one golden ray also filtered through a slit in the curtains into an otherwise dim room. It lit up the dust particles floating in the air and made a beautiful golden stripe on the carpet.

Serena stepped to the window and move the curtains in front of it a little. The first rays of the morning sun hit her hands and they felt comfortable warm against her cold hands. She saw from the window how a few Rookidee flew past the room's window and she smiled. The day would be beautiful.

Serena closed the curtain and retreated from the window. She turned around and looked at the room they had stayed in. It wasn't the biggest, but neither was the smallest, but it was enough for them and their Pokemon.

Serena watched her two sleeping friends and knew they wouldn't wake up for at least a couple more hours. She watched as Ash snore in his sleep on his back and his right hand hung over the edge of the bed. The left was above his head. The blanket had slipped almost completely off him and Serena wondered how he hadn't gotten cold. Pikachu slept curled at the end of his bed, and every now and then it muttered in his sleep and changed position, yawning.

Serena smiled and then turned her gaze to Gou, whose bed was opposite Ash's bed. Unlike Ash, Gou lay on his stomach and his left hand hung over the edge of the bed. He was still wearing the blanket, even though it was starting to slide away. Scorbunny slept on his back and waved the air in his feet at his sleep at times. Eevee and Skwovet slept at the end of his bed and Skwovet had made a blanket of Eevee's bushy tail for himself.

Serena shook her head slightly at them and then silently stepped across the room to its door. She had no reason to just stay in this room to sit and wait for the others to wake up, so she decided to go see what the sunrise would look like from the front door. And on top of that, she wanted to see what the Pokemon Center would look like so early in the morning.

She opened the door of the room silently and slipped out of the room. She closed the door just as silently behind her and then set out to walk along a dim corridor with green plants and floral arrangements-paintings on the edges of the corridor.

She felt the carpet in the hallway tickle her bare feet as she navigated toward the main lobby. The silence around her was very deep and the only sound she heard was her own, quiet footsteps as well as the faint hum of the air conditioning. Was this the way the Pokemon Center was while everyone was sleeping?

Serena arrived in the main lobby and found it to be just as quiet and dim as the hallway. It was a little more bright though, as more light flowed in through the large windows in the lobby and illuminated the dust particles floating in the air.

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