40. Circhester

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Because it seems I publish these chapters after a long period, I think it's a good idea to start putting a little recap here at the start.

So, previously happened:

Ash and Serena spent quality time in the woods and later on, Chloe caught her second Pokemon, Snom. After that, they arrived in Circhester and went to eat in a little restaurant. They met Sonia here and Serena told her about the diary she had found. And now we continue our story.


"What!?" Serena exclaimed in surprise after hearing it and Sonia nodded with a smile. "Yep! And do you know why? Because this book really says a lot about things about Dynamaxing that we didn't know yet. It's a real treasure for a scientist like me!"

Serena hadn't been able to expect that an ancient diary could be such a big joy for someone. She sank a little lower in her chair and muttered quietly, "I wouldn't have thought"

"What's particularly interesting about it?" asked Ash, in front of whom the waitress had just brought the big pizza, and which he was now looking at with lust. Cutting a piece of it a piece for himself and Pikachu (with Lucario helping himself a piece as well), and stuffing it contentedly in his mouth, he continued, "I mean, is there anything in it that you don't already know?"

"Well, actually, there is," Sonia said, dipping one of her French fries into ketchup. (Though, there wasn't much left of it as Pikachu had squeezed most of it on top of his pizza) The waitress had also brought dishes to the others and they too began to eat with a good appetite. "The origin of Wishing Stars sounds interesting"

"Wishing Stars?" said Ash and swallowed audibly. He cut a new piece of pizza and stuck it in his mouth. "Oh, like those weird rocks Lucario found?"

"Yeah, abs... wait a minute," Sonia began, but interrupted her sentence as her phone suddenly began to ring. She looked at others apologetically, and then answered her call, "Yes?"

"She's right, by the way, those 'weird stones' are Wishing Stars," Lucario pointed out, picking irritably pineapple pieces from his pizza slice. "And by the way, I didn't find just one of those"

"What do you mean?" Ash said aloud. He had just finished the last piece of his pizza, and it didn't look at all that he had just eaten a pizza that resembled a tractor wheel in size. "I have not seen any other rock than the one you gave me then a long time ago!"

"So what are these?" Lucario asked, slamming on the table a pile of exactly the same weird, fuchsia stones that he had also given to Ash. There were at least a hundred of them, and Sonia, still talking on the phone, exclaimed in shock, "Are you crazy?! No, I didn't mean you," saying the rest quickly to her caller. Then she quickly ended the call and took a deep breath.

"Is. Your. Dog. Completely. Crazy!?" she said between her teeth as firm as she dared. "That number of Wishing Stars would be enough to turn all the Pokemon of this place into giants! In fact, I'm amazed that hasn't already happened!"

Sonia's speech made Ash look at Lucario sharply. This one sighed and then said, "Would you tell her that the stones are inside a protective field made of Aura that prevents the effect on the Pokemon" Then he swallowed his last pizza slice and Ash repeated the words to Sonia.

She seemed relieved to hear it. "What a relief," she said and her tense shoulders turned relaxed again. Then she took one French fries and asked, "Where are those from, by the way? Such an amount is not collected in a day."

"Lucario collected them," said Ash, who suddenly realized where Lucario had always gone alone. "He did a pretty impressive job, right Lucario?"

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