39. Snom-y day

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About a title. I only say I regret nothing :DD

Serena woke up because she was freezing. She slowly opened her eyes and let them get used to the darkness of the tent. At the same time, she felt Ash sleeping next to her breathe evenly, sometimes mumbling something sleepily. Serena smiled tenderly at him and pressed a small kiss to the boy's forehead. It made a smile rise on Ash's lips and Serena wondered what he dreamed about.

Serena sat up and realized at the same time that the tent was freezing cold. She saw her breath mist in the air and felt goosebumps run along her spine. She shivered a little and instinctively wrapped her arms around her body to warm herself. It didn't help much and Serena was freezing even more now when she was no longer inside her sleeping bag.

It had been a few days since they had found the castle, and during that time they had left the plain behind. They had traveled further and further north and had set up their camp in a small spruce forest the night before. Serena had said that after that forest, Circhester would be about a day's journey away and Ash, in particular, had been excited to hear it.

But now, Serena realized, it was only very early morning and the trip should wait a little longer. She was interested to know why the tent had turned so cold during the night, so against the command of her freezing body, she got up and quietly crawled into the tent door. She avoid not waking Ash or Pikachu, who was sleeping curled up next to Ash, and quietly opened the tent zipper.

Cold air flooded her face and she drifted away in astonishment. It was clearly colder outside than Serena had expected. However, it only made her even more curious, and she tore open the zipper and pushed her head out the door.

A marvelous view opened up in front of h. The night had clearly been frosty and now the moisture that had been on the ground and in the trees before that had been frozen. The ground was covered with white frost, which sparkled in the rays of the morning sun, and the branches of the spruces were white from the frost. It was strangely quiet and the only sound came from Serena's breath.

Serena watched that beautiful sight for a moment until she realized she was freezing properly and pulled back into the tent. However, she was no longer tired at all and on the contrary she felt completely refreshed. And after thinking for a moment, she came up with a good idea and crawled up to Ash.

"Ash, wake up," she whispered and shook the boy a little. Ash mumbled something vague and turned his side, but didn't wake up. However, Serena didn't give up, but shook Ash again, this time a little stronger, and said again, "C'mon Ash, wake up!"

This time Ash turned on his back and opened his eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked yawning and got up to sit asleep. "And why is it so cold here?"

"Come on, I want to show you something!" said Serena excitedly, ignoring Ash's questions. She grabbed the boy by the hand and began to pull this towards the tent door. "Come on, take a look!

"Okay," Ash said, yawning and a little puzzled by what was suddenly so important to show. He meandered out of his sleeping bag and shivered when he realized how cold it was in the tent. He crawled to the tent door, looking questioningly at his girlfriend.

"Look," Serena said, tearing open the tent door. Ash moved closer to the door, curious to see what had made Serena so excited, and peeked curiously out. And breathed.

"Wow!" was the word that Ash released from his mouth when he saw in front of him the same vision that Serena had seen. He looked at the land covered with frost with equal admiration, not caring at all about the cold air that made the skin hairs of his bare arms stand up. The sight really was worth seeing.

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